NLB oversees the National Library, the Public Libraries and the National Archives.
By international convention, the functions of these two kinds of libraries are distinct and well-differentiated.
The NLB's mission is to provide a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service through
the National Library and a comprehensive network of Public Libraries.
Also under its management are 31 libraries belonging to government agencies, schools and institutions.
Through its innovative use of technology and collaboration with strategic partners,
NLB ensures that library users have access to a rich array of information services
and resources that are convenient, accessible and relevant.

As custodian of Singapore’s documentary heritage, the National Library, Singapore collects, preserves, and makes accessible our digitised and born-digital content for present and future generations.

International Council on Archives is the professional organisation for the world archival community,
dedicated to promoting the preservation, development, and use of the world's archival heritage.
It brings together national archive administrations, professional associations of archivists,
regional and local archives and archives of other organisations as well as individual archivists,
from more than 180 countries and territories.

Southeast Asian Regional Branch International Council on Archives
The National Archives of Singapore is a member of SARBICA which operates
under the Constitution of the Southeast Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives,
established during the Inaugural Conference of SARBICA in Kuala Lumpur on 9 July 1968.
It had the distinction to be the first regional branch of ICA and is responsible for carrying out
the policy and programmes of ICA in this region. At present, SARBICA comprises the
National Archives Institutions of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines,
Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.