Colonel Cyril Hew Dalrymple Wild, the third son of Herbert Wild, Bishop of Newcastle
Records contain interrogation papers, testimony of Wild and papers on interrogation of Yamashita and photograph of Wild and 2 photographs of war crimes trials. Brief account of his life also mentions concealing the flag 'which he carried at the surrender to the Japanese' and the fact that the flag is now hanging in the chapel at Chaterhouse. After the war, he was sent back to Singapore, with the rank of colonel, as a Crimes Liaison Officer with ALFSEA. Went to Tokyo to give evidence in Sept 1946 but returning back to Singapore, he was killed in a plane crash in Hong Kong on 26 Sept 1946. This account of his life was written by his brother, The Very Reverend JHS Wild. An account of his war crimes work - see 'Expedition to Sinkep', Blackwood's Magazine October 1946. Article written by Wild. Had been awarded the MBE.
IWM 66/227/1
NAB 1192
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