125 Singapore, The 12: March 1830 Military Secretary to the Governor Read a letter from the Military Secretary to the Governor, submitting a reference relative to the decrease of the Pay of an old and meritorious Tindal of the Magazine Establishment here, and soliciting that he be permitted to retain his former pay &etc. Resolved that no alteration can be made in the amount of the pay proposed for the Tindal referred to. Military Secretary to the Governor Read a letter from the Military Secretary to the Governor, dated 10: instant, reporting that he has obtained a Contract for Dollars 650 for filling up the vacant space between the Place of Arms and the Guard Room in the New Cantonments, and for leveling the Parade Ground. Resolved that the Military Secretary be informed in reply, that the Board sanctions the terms of the contract reported in the above letter. Mily Secretary to the Governor Read a letter from the Military Secretary to the Governor, dated 11: Instant submitting applications for advances to the officer in charge of Public works viz For the New Jail...............................Sa Rs 3,000 For levelling the new Cantonments " 421. Resolved that the advances solicited be sanctioned. Mily Secretary to the Governor Read a letter from the Military Secretary to the Governor dated 11: instant, submitting communications from the officer in charge of Public Works, reporting the dilapidated state of the Flag Staff &etc at St John’s Island. Ordered that the Military Secretary be informed that as the continuance of a Signal Station at St John’s island is not contemplated by Government, it will be unnecessary to effect any repairs involving expence. Military Secretary to the Governor No. 53 Mily Secretary to the Governor To The Secretary to Government Sir, I have the honor to report that agreeably to your
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