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Malaysian Foreign Policy in the New Era
Overseas Record
11/10/70 Airgram from the American Embassy, Kuala Lumpur to the Department of State. Page 1 is a Summary stating that Malaysia's main threat to security was the containment of China and to stop the spread of Peking-supported insurgency.  Doubts about security presence of UK and US caused a rethinking of security.   Expanded commerce with Soviet bloc and overtures to China likely continue under PM Razak's leadership. Page 2:  US expected Malaysia to maintain cordial ties with the West.  9/22 transfer of power from Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman to Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak occurred during meeting of non-aligned states at Lusaka. Impression intentionally created that Razak would modify Malaysia's pro-Western orientation to a more neutral position. The rest of this Airgram discussed prospects for Malaysia's external policies under Razak's leadership.  The following was discussed:  Malaysia's outlook on the world; Communism, security;  ideological and security threats by the Chinese Malayan Communist Party; Commonwealth allies unreliable; Tun Razak's personality, his leadership; and changes in diplomacy.
D2018120009, HD201812007
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