A18: Penang Consultations
Straits Settlements Record
Jul 1823; Jun - Jul 1825
Penang became the Fourth Eastern presidency in 1805 under the direct control of the Governor General of India. A council was then appointed and inaugurated to advise the President on matters of importance. This volume covers the minutes of the proceedings of this Council in Jul 1823 and from Jun to Jul 1825.
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Transcribed by Sharon Chong, Lee Yuh Mei, Vandana Aggarwal, Lee Khim, A Tan, Teo Jin Hui, Debbie, Yeow Lih Wei, Leo Yih Nah and Yit Chin Chuan via the Citizen Archivist Portal.  The transcriptions provided are the best effort done by our volunteers through the Citizen Archivist Project (www.nas.gov.sg/CitizenArchivist).  We seek your understanding that there may be some errors and omissions.  Please alert us to such discrepancies so that we can continually improve the quality of our records.  We also welcome you to partner us to transcribe our records so that they can be beneficial to other users.

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