M1: Singapore: Letters from Bengal to the Resident
Straits Settlements Record
Nov 1823 – Mar 1824
These are letters that consists of the correspondence between the governor of Straits Settlements and the Government of Bengal. These letters span from Nov 1823 to March 1824.
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Transcribed by Leong Toh Ying Diane, Lee Yuh Mei and Vandana Aggarwal via the Citizen Archivist Portal.  The transcriptions provided are the best effort done by our volunteers through the Citizen Archivist Project (www.nas.gov.sg/CitizenArchivist).  We seek your understanding that there may be some errors and omissions.  Please alert us to such discrepancies so that we can continually improve the quality of our records.  We also welcome you to partner us to transcribe our records so that they can be beneficial to other users.

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