L17: Raffles: Letters to Singapore (Farquhar) Page 185 of 520
378 it in repair, and each in front of his own lot and to furnish such assistance as may from time to time be required for the general repair of the Road by the Executive Officer. 5. The ground to be disposed of under this Advertisement to be cleared & occupied within 12 months from the date of the Grant, otherwise to revert to Government, and the Grants to be cancelled. By Order &ca. (Signed) L. N. Hull Acting Secretary No. 119 To Lieutt. Colonel Farquhar Resident Sir, As it appears to the Lieutt. Governor that the Signal Port at Goa Island might be with advantage removed to the highest peak of St. John's whence the the view is far more extensive and Commanding to the Westward, I have his directions to request that you will instruct the Master Attendant to cause the latter site to be cleared as far as necessary for this purpose and for the erection at a future period of a light house. I have the honor to be &ca. (Signed) L. N. Hull Acting Secretary Singapore 18th February 1823
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