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A. Ghani Hamid
Abdul Aziz bin Sidin
Ackland, Douglas Harold
Ah Keng
Ahmad Falizi bin Mohd
Akitek Tenggara
Al-Muttaqin Mosque
Alexander Turnbull Library
Alkaff, Alwee
Ambrose, Cyril
Anand Centre of Fine Arts
Ang, Chin Tiong
Ang, How Ghee
Ang, Madeleine
Ang, Pin Hoon
Ang, Yang Buay
Archives New Zealand
Armenian Church Trust
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia
Asian Women's Welfare Association
Association of British Malaya
Australian War Memorial
Awang Osman
Badron, Haji
Bai, Yan
Baker, Claire M. S.
Banque de l’Indochine
Bassett, Morgan Betty
Bedok North Secondary School
Behague, John
Beng Wan Primary School
Bennett, J. A., Mrs
Berrow, Harry
Bogaert, Jan van den
Boudewyn, Halford
British Library
Broadrick Secondary School
Browne, R.
Brunner, Lina
Buckeridge, H. Nugent
Bukit Ho Swee West Government Chinese Primary School
Bukit Panjang Government School
Bukit Panjang Khek Community Guild
C. K. Tang Limited
Canossa Convent Primary School
Ceylon Sports Club
Chan Si Wui Kun Singapore (Clan association)
Chan, Heng Yoke
Chan, Kwee Seng
Char Yang (Dabu) Lee Chee Association
Char Yong (Dabu) Association
Cheah, Jin Seng, Prof
Chen, Daya
Chen, Yong
Cheong, Hock Chuen
Chettiars' (Nattukkottai) Chamber of Commerce
Chettiars' Temple Society, Singapore
Chew, Ann Sim
Chew, Chang Lang
Chew, Freddy, Dr
Chia, Boon Leong
Chia, Chin Siang
Chia, Kenneth
Chia, Soon Ann
Chia, Yoke Kheng
Chiang, Ker Chiu
Chiang, Shih Hsin
Children's Aid Society
Chin San School
Chin, Kah Chong
Chin, Lai Hin
Chng, David
Chong Hock Girls' School
Chong, Patricia Suet Mui
Choo, Chee Leong
Choo, Hoey
Choo, Kwee Wah
Choo, Tiong Ho
Choy, Bridget Wai Fong
Chu, Sui Mang
Chua Chu Kang Primary School
Chua, Koon Chuan
Chua, Thor Cheng
Chuang, Hui Tsuan
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Clarke, Margaret, Mrs
Clementi School
College of General Practitioners Singapore
Cook, John Angus Bethune
Cosmopolitan Women's Club
Craske, Roland
Daniel, Varella Peraval
Danker, Anthony John
De Souza, Jocelyn Simon
Dermatological Society of Singapore
Designers Association Singapore
Diamond Exchange of Singapore
Direct Selling Association of Singapore
Doggett, Marjorie
Dorset School
Dunman Government Chinese Middle School
Ede, Amy
Edelmann, W., Mrs
Ee Hoe Hean Club
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Singapore
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Feingold, Robert
Foenander, Terry
Fong, Michael Peter
Fraser & Neave
Gabain, J. E.
Gabriel, Vincent
Galstaun, Arshak Catchatoor
Gan Eng Seng School
George C. Marshall Research Library
Girls' Sports Club
Glendinning, Alex
Goh, Alfred
Goh, Allen
Goh, Chong Chia
Goh, Siang Kiang
Goh, Soon Tioe
Good, Diana nee Shelley, Mrs
Gorrie, John Leslie Michael
Gower, Philip B.
Great Britain. Central Office of Information
Great Britain. Royal Air Force
Grosvenor Prints
Gunaratnam, P., Mrs
Gwee, Ho Neo
Gwee, William Thian Hock
Haig Boys' School
Haks, Leo
Han, Chou Yuan
Han, Iris Sow Mui
Han, Oi Siew
Hasnah Sapii
Hawker, A. J.
Haxworth, W. R. M.
Hebblewhite, Robert
Heng, Teck Kim
Hin Ann Huay Kuan
Ho, Chin Geok
Ho, Kah Leong
Ho, Kam Chuan
Ho, Kwai Mun
Ho, May Ling, Dr
Ho, Yeu Hiang
Holy Innocents' Chinese Girls' School
Hon, Sui Sen
Hoover Institution Archives
Hor, Kwok Kin
How, Kye Kem
Hu, Yun Hua
Hwang, Chung Yun
Illustrated London News
Imperial War Museum (Great Britain)
Institute of Mental Health (Singapore)
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain)
J. B. Rupa & Co.
Jackson, Ronald F.
Jayakumar, S.
Jewish Welfare Board (Singapore)
Joginder Singh
Johnson, Ian
Jones, Tony
Kang Ha Pheng Sim Kok (Clan association)
Kang Hay Piak Soo (Clan association)
Kau Luen Tong Sze-To Clan Guild
Kay Poh Road Baptist Church
Kee, Thiam Kee
Kennedy, George
Keppel Corporation
Keys and Dowdeswell (Firm)
Khatijun Nissa Siraj
Kheng Lian Yew Dramatic Society
Kheng Zai Yeo Clan Association
Khoo, Boo Chai
Khoo, Onn Teik, Dr
Khoo, Twon Yong
Kiang, Ai Kim
King, Herbert Lawrence
Kiong, Kee Hong
KK Women's and Children's Hospital
Klassen, P.
Klassen, Patrick
Kloss, C. Boden
Koh, Diana
Koh, K. C.
Koh, Keng Soon
Koh, Nam Yong
Koh, Seow Chuan
Koji Obumuso
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
Kouo, Shang-Wei
Kwa, Chong Guan
Kwah, Siak Hong
Kwan, Yue Keng
Lam, Elton
Lam, Sian Lian
Lamb, Peter
Lau, B. G.
Lau, Marjorie
Lee Brothers Studio
Lee Kuo Chuan Primary School
Lee Teck Public School
Lee, Ah Hiok
Lee, Dai Soh
Lee, Francis
Lee, Joanne
Lee, Kee Hwee
Lee, Khek Meng
Lee, Kip Lin
Lee, Leng Kiong
Lee, Liang Hye
Lee, Mee Leng
Lee, Miu Ling
Lee, Siok Tin
Lee, Soo Seong
Lee, Sow Lim
Lee, Wing Sang
Lee, Yew Yeow
Lehrle, Derek
Leong, Weng Kee (Manager)
Leong, Yew Wah
Library of Congress
Liew, Eng Whatt
Lim, Chee Meng
Lim, Chin Tee
Lim, Chong Hsien
Lim, Choo Ming
Lim, Choo Sye
Lim, Edward
Lim, Ena Guat Kheng
Lim, Eye Tee
Lim, Gek Koon
Lim, Herbie Eng Kwan
Lim, Hock Hai
Lim, Hock Heng
Lim, John
Lim, Kheng Chye
Lim, Kim San
Lim, Kooi Chu
Lim, Leong Geok
Lim, Michael Chiew Sun
Lim, Nang Seng
Lim, Patricia
Lim, Patricia Pui Huen
Lim, Patricia Siat Foong
Lim, Regina Kheng Yeok
Lim, Richard
Lim, Richard Chuan Hoe
Lim, Seng
Lim, Soo Ping
Lin, Christopher
Lindeteves-Jacoberg Limited
Ling, Kin Moi
Little, James
Liu, Gretchen
Locke, Linda
Loh, Teck Cheong
Loke, Wan Tho
Lukeman, Eric W
Lum, Wei Meng
Lye, Jimmy Kwok Poo
Maha Bodhi School
Mahmud Awang
Mainichi Shinbunsha
Majlis Pusat, Singapura
Makepeace, Walter
Marine Parade Community Centre
Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore
Maritime Museum (Singapore)
Maritime Museum Amsterdam
Martin, Mackertich
Masson, M.
Mawardi, Haji
McNally, Joseph
McNeice, Yuen-Peng, Lady
Mello, Xanier A de
Miksic, John N.
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (2001-2004)
Mitchell, Tessa
Moh, Alex
Mohd Amin Kadarisman
Mohd Noor Kadir Ambon
Monteiro, Ernest
Moore, Donald
Mun, Chor Seng
Museum Victoria
N. A. Packir Mohd
Nachiappa Chettiar
Nahappan, J. Athi, Puan Sri Datin
Nam San School
Nam Sun Wui Kun (Clan association)
Nam Yeung Sun Hing Wui Koon (Clan association)
Nan Pih Association
Nanyang Khek Community Guild
Nanyang Northern Chinese Clan Association
Nanyang Siang Pau Singapore Ltd.
Nanyang University
Narayanan, N. I.
Nathan, S. R.
Nationaal Archief (Netherlands)
National Archives (Great Britain)
National Archives (Singapore)
National Archives of Australia
National Archives of India
National Archives of Malaysia
National Arts Council (Singapore)
National Junior College (Singapore)
National Library (Singapore)
National Library of Australia
National Monuments Record (England)
National Museum (Singapore)
National Population and Talent Division (Singapore)
National Portrait Gallery (Great Britain)
National University of Singapore
Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
Nedlloyd Lines Singapore
Nee Soon School
Nelson, Mason
Newell, Edward William
Ng-Ong, Ruby
Ng, Beng Siok
Ng, Carolina Lee Khiam
Ng, Cheng Kiat
Ng, David
Ng, Jeanette
Ningpo Guild Singapore
Oehlers, F. A. C.
Ong, Cheng Hoe
Ong, Kay Ann
Ong, Kay Wah
Ong, Piah Teng
Ong, Teng Cheong
Osman Haji Nahwi
Ou, May Ming
Outram Secondary School
Ow, Mei Ho
Pacific International Lines
Pacita Abad Art Estate
Paglar, Eric Charles Pemberton
Pan Pacific Singapore
Pasir Panjang English School
Paul Bush Publishing
Pei Hsin Public School
Peng, Song Toh
Peninsula and Oriental Shipping Company
People's Association
Peralta, Paul G.
Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (Association)
Phan, Wait Hong
Phoon, Edward
Pinsler, Ronni
Piollet, Paul
Poh Chung Tian Chor Sian Tong (Temple)
Poi Eng Public School
Polunin, Ivan
Port of Singapore Authority
Porter, George W.
Pott, G. A.
Practice Performing Arts Centre
Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church
Quah, We Ho
Quek, Tiong Swee
RAF Seletar Association
Raffles College
Raffles Institution
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research
Ragan, Morgan
Rajaratnam, S.
Ravinder Pal Jagan Nath Sharma
Registered Tourist Guides Association of Singapore
Reich, Arthur B.
Reichelt, G. P.
Republic of Singapore Flying Club
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Royal Commonwealth Society. Library
Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)
Sahadevan Publications Sdn Bhd
Sakurai, Taka
Salmah, Puan
Sam Foh Association
Sam Kiang Huay Kwan (Clan association)
Sam, Jackie
Sang Nila Utama Secondary School
Sato, Miyoko
Saunders, Clifford Stewart, Dr
School of Nursing
Scully-Shepherdson, Martha
Scurry, Arthur
Seah, Lip Puan
Seah, Seow Lan
Seid, Henry
Seo, M. K.
Seo, Mung Hoong
Seow, Dolly Rachel
Seva Singh
Shaw, Tony
Sheares, Benjamin Henry
Shin Min Public School
Shipping Corporation of India, Ltd.
Short, R. F., Captain
Siddique, Sharon
Sim, Jack
Sim, Lee Tin
Sim, Mona Gek Hiang
Sin Chew Tan's Clan Association
Sin Poh (Star News) Amalgamated
Singapore Airlines
Singapore Broadcasting Corporation
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Singapore Chinese Girls' School
Singapore Chinese Mechanics Association
Singapore Chong Clan Association
Singapore Council of Social Service
Singapore Federation Of Chinese Clan Associations
Singapore Foochow Dionglok Association
Singapore Geok Shee Association
Singapore Hui Ann Association
Singapore Island Country Club
Singapore Ji Yang Cai Clan Association
Singapore Kwong Wai Siew Peck San Theng (Clan association)
Singapore Lam Ann Association
Singapore Malay Teachers' Multi-purpose Co-operative Society Ltd
Singapore Management University
Singapore MRT Ltd
Singapore National Employers' Federation
Singapore Nurses Association
Singapore Phor Tiong Koh Peng Association
Singapore Ping Sheh
Singapore Press Holdings
Singapore Professional Golfers' Association
Singapore Recreation Club
Singapore Sports Council
Singapore Telecommunications Limited
Singapore Tourism Board
Singapore Tourist Promotion Board
Singapore. Armed Forces
Singapore. Cabinet Office
Singapore. Civil Defence Force
Singapore. Economic Development Board
Singapore. Housing and Development Board
Singapore. Istana
Singapore. Ministry of Communications and Information (1985-1990)
Singapore. Ministry of Communications and Information (2012-2024)
Singapore. Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
Singapore. Ministry of Culture
Singapore. Ministry of Defence
Singapore. Ministry of Digital Development and Information
Singapore. Ministry of Education
Singapore. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Singapore. Ministry of Health
Singapore. Ministry of Home Affairs
Singapore. Ministry of Information and the Arts
Singapore. National Heritage Board
Singapore. National Library Board
Singapore. Police Force
Singapore. Preservation of Monuments Board
Singapore. Primary Production Department
Singapore. Public Utilities Board
Singapore. Public Works Department
Singapore. Registry of Co-operative Societies
Singapore. Supreme Court
Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus
Smith, Barbara J.
Sng, Chong Hui
Sng, Chye Kay
Soh, Chuan Lam
Soh, Siew Choon
Song, Choo Lian
Soon, Kim Seng
Source is not available
Spykerman, L
St Hilda's School
St Nicholas Girls’ School
St Teresa's High School
Stage Club
State Library of New South Wales
State Library of Victoria
Stewart, Eric Campbell
Stewart, Stanley Toft
Straits Shipping Pte Ltd
Straits Steamship Company
Sulaiman bin Haji Siraj
Sullivan, Margaret
Sumitera Mohd Letak
Swiss Club (Singapore)
Tambyah, Leaena
Tampines Primary School
Tan Kah Kee Memorial Museum
Tan, Albert Im Bock
Tan, Andrew
Tan, Anges, Mrs
Tan, Boon Chin
Tan, Chong Tee
Tan, Kok Kheng
Tan, Lai Huat
Tan, Margaret
Tan, Moe Moe
Tan, Patrick
Tan, Peng Tuan
Tan, Roney
Tan, Sunny Chor Yim
Tan, Tuan Khoon
Tanjong Pagar Community Centre
Tanner, Stanley T.
Tao Nan School (Singapore)
Tay, Kwee Kee
Tay, Swee Lan
Tay, Teck Eng
Temasek Polytechnic
Teo Ann Kim Sar District Tan Clan Association
Teo, Chong Tee
Teo, Ee Lim
Teo, Jeffrey Oo Hock
Teo, Kwee Kiang
Teo, P. S.
Teo, Richard
Teo, William Jui Wah
Teochew Chan Clan Association
Teochew Chia Clan Association
Teong, Ah Chin
Tham, Sien Yen
The Asahi Shimbun Company
The China Navigation Company
The Huilai Countrymen Association
The Japanese Association, Singapore
The Khek Lim Clan Association
The Peranakan Association Singapore
The State Archives Administration of the People's Republic of China
The Trekkers (Musical group)
Thivy, Nirvan
Tong, Seng Mun
Traditional Southern Fujian Music Society
Tricker, George
Turner, David
Turner, Harry
Umar Pulavar Tamil School
United Nations Archives and Records Management Section
United Press International
United States. National Archives and Records Administration
Urban Redevelopment Authority (Singapore)
Utrecht Aarchives
Varathan, S.
Vereeniging Nederlandsche Historisch Scheepvaart Museum
Villanueva, Adriano
Wah Heng and Co.
Wain-Heapy, Douglas
Wang-Chen, Hsiu Chin
Wang, Tso
Warren, Stanley
Wassman, Bill
Wearne Brothers Services Pte Ltd
Wee, Janice
Wee, Peter
Wee, William
Wellcome Library
Wen Chow Wei Khan (Clan association)
Wharton, Anthony
Winsemius, Albert
Wolters, Eelke
Wong-Mah, Jia Lan
Wong, K. F.
Wong, Kwan
Wong, Sik Tong
Wong, Sin Eng
Woodbridge Hospital (Singapore)
Wright, Glyn
Wright, Terry
Wui Neng Thung Heong Wui (Clan association)
Yan, Annie
Yangzheng Primary School
Yau, Chung Chi
Yeo, Andy Siew Kean
Yeo, C. S.
Yeung Ching Primary School
Yip, Cheong Fun
York, F. W.
You, Jin
Young Women's Christian Association of Singapore
Young, John C.
Yusof Ishak
Zainol bin Dahalan
Zhu, Xu
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