SINGH, Mohinder Communities of Singapore (Part 2), Accession Number 000546

  • Oral History Centre
  • 65
    Total Reels
  • Pitt Kuan Wah
  • 30:36:53
    Total Running Time
  • English

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  • 8 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:26:24
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Personal background. His education. Education not popular to farmers. Village self-sufficient in daily necessity. Caste system in village not so strict. Only one Sikh temple in village, even Hindus would go. Holding court in temple every month to settle villagers' differences and complaints. Later such  powers dissolved by government. Villagers' reaction.

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  • 8 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:27:27
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Villagers donated grains to temple. When and how managing committee of village temple was selected. Dispute on non-Marriage Act of 1924. Farming caste considered main caste in Punjab. Government system in village. Difficult for farmers to get cash. His reason for migration to Singapore. Against  Sikhs doing money lending business.

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  • 8 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:29:15
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Sikh often sent one son to work outside village to earn money. Importance of education to Sikh community. How he traced ancestry through registration of death system in Haridua. Father's personality. His father was head of joint families in which 3 brothers stayed together. Mother strict disciplinarian and financier. How his name was selected. Meaning of name. Learnt farming, besides Punjabi and Urdu languages.

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  • 15 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:30:15
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


His adventurous life during childhood. Encouraged the young to be adventurous. His experience on how he helped to send stranded Sikhs to Kangkar estate during Japanese Occupation.

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  • 15 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:28:40
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


His primary education. Learned Punjabi, Urdu and English. Attended up to Primary Five in village school. School supposed to close down but was restored under a new minister. Reasons he stopped Punjabi and Urdu languages in middle school. Interested in science. Attended Movindranan Polytechnic High School later. Impression of his headmaster. How his anti-colonial feelings developed. How Indian Youth League was started.

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  • 15 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:29:27
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Indian refugee camps operated by Indian Passive Defence Corps. What Appavoo Kandar, a telephone contractor, donated to refugees. First-aid post set up at Coronation Camp. A lot of casualties during crossfire at Bukit Timah. His auntie gave refuge to young girls. How he was asked to start a newspaper, Azahad Hindustan.

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  • 25 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:29:34
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Selected slogan of newspaper. Why he selected Hindustani as language for newspaper. How people like General Mohan Singh, Lim Boon Keng, Dr Paglar saved their own communities. Attitudes of relatives and parents towards his joining cadet when he was in India. His father's relationship with uncle. Many died of malnutrition during Japanese Occupation. Reasons why less Sikhs died when compared to other races.

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  • 25 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:26:56
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Further elaboration on Sikhs' adaptability. Those who can adapt to other food could survive. Type of food he had during childhood. Table manners. Reasons family chose to take vegetables rather than meat. Values imparted by parents. Disciplining of children.

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  • 25 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:28:02
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


How he became involved with revolutionaries in Patiala and Ambala. Uncle found out and sent him to Singapore. Sailed to Rangoon first, then joined another ship to Singapore. Lived with another uncle. Jobs he took on. How he was appointed as postal forms writer. Living conditions in Singapore in 1932. Transportation. Adjusted to language and food. Clothing he had to wear at work.

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  • 25 Apr 1985
    Recording Date
  • 00:29:19
    Running Time
  • MP3
  • Open Access
    Conditions Governing Access


Reasons he disliked wearing coats and ties. Another incident which showed his anti-colonial feeling was when police withheld 2 books, he ordered for the temple library. Nature of job as postal forms writer. Commission earned. His leisure activities. Supported China Relief Fund and anti-Japanese movement. Founder member of Indian Youth League. Disliked Air-Raid Precaution. Why Indian Passive Defence Corps started at Indian Youth League.

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