Singapore Film Industry
About Project
This collection offers a behind-the-scenes look at various aspects of Singapore’s vibrant film industry, including the launch of the first television station in Singapore, Radio and Television Singapore, in the 1960s.
Some of the topics covered include encounters with censorship authorities, filming in the digital age, and accounts of dealings with renowned industry personalities like Malaysian actor and director P. Ramlee and Hong Kong-American actor and martial arts expert Bruce Lee.
Interviewees include Singaporean actor and director Jack Neo, and early independent filmmaker Rajendra Gour.
Names of Interviewees in Singapore Film Industry
Showing 1 - 20 of 24 records.
- A WAHID (Abdul Wahid Haji Ahmad) @ Wahid Satay
- ABDOL AZEZ bin Satta @ Aziz Satar @ Aziz Sattar
- ABDUL MALIK bin Mohamad Basar
- ANG, Lawrence 洪良木
- BUNTAT binte Ahmad @ Neng Yatimah
- GOMES, Rennie
- GOUR, Rajendra
- HASSAN bin Abd Muthalib
- HO, Ricky Kwok Kit 何国杰
- JAMIL bin Sulong
- KASSIM Masdor
- KRISHNAN, L (Dato)
- LAU Kar Leung 刘家良
- LEE, Rey Bang Kiong 李万强
- LIM, Phillip
- MAHMOOD Jun bin Derani (Haji) @ Mahmud Jun
- Maswari bin Marowan @ M. Wari
- MOMO binte Makarim @ Momo Latif
- NEO, Jack 梁智强