Literary Scene in Singapore (English)

About Project

This project interviews authors of literary works in the English medium such as Catherine Lim and Rex Shelley, covering their personal and literary development, professional influences and major writings. There is one interview with a professional storyteller (Rosemarie Somaiah), detailing the work of such groups as the Storytellers' Circle, Society for Reading and Literacy, and Asian Storytellers Network.

Names of Interviewees in Literary Scene in Singapore (English)

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 records.

  1. CHAN Wai Han 陈慧嫻
  2. CHAND, Meira (Dr)
  3. CHEAH Sin Ann
  4. FONG Hoe Fang
  5. LEE Tzu Pheng (Dr) 李子平
  6. LIM, Catherine (Dr) nee Chew Poh Imm
  7. Rosie Wee Wah Keow 黃华娇
  8. SHELLEY, Rex Anthony
  9. SOMAIAH, Rosemarie
  10. TAN, Adrian Gim Hai
  11. THUMBOO, Edwin Nadason
  12. WEE, Sheila Moira nee Wilson
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