Performing Arts in Singapore (Theatre/Drama)

About Project

This project includes interview practitioners of Chinese, Malay, Peranakan and English theatre. Also covered is wayang kulit (traditional puppet theatre). The interviewees for this collection vary from playwrights to actors and directors.

Some of the interviewees talk about the role of a dramatist in society, the introduction of the singing telegram in Singapore, the beginnings of the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT), and the differences in ticket prices of stage productions compared to now.

Interviewees comprise visually-impaired activist Ron Chandran-Dudley, who was also involved in plays under the Experimental Theatre Club, Christina Sergeant, who worked with the Singapore Theatre Repertory Showcase since its first production, ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, and Phang Wai Keong, who was an arts venue manager under the National Arts Council.

Names of Interviewees in Performing Arts in Singapore (Theatre/Drama)

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