Education in Singapore (Part 1: English)
About Project
This project, started in 1992, aims to document the development of English-medium education from pre-war to independence and the present day, through interviews with educators. Interviewees are asked about their choice of careers, teacher training, teaching experiences, education philosophies, responses to education policies and involvement in educational organisations/unions.
Names of Interviewees in Education in Singapore (Part 1: English)
Showing 1 - 20 of 154 records.
- ABISHEGANADEN, Paul @ Paul Selvaraj Abisheganaden
- ANDREW (Br) @ Andre Charbonneau
- ANG Wai Hoong (Dr)
- ARUMUGAM Pancharatnam
- ATHERTON, Bernarr Francis
- AVADHANI, Popuri Nageswara (Dr)
- BACH, Lucia
- BALHETCHET, Robert (Dr)
- BANDARA, Nanda
- BONG, Marie Ethel (Mrs)
- BROWNE, Elizabeth Frances (Sister)
- CHAM Tao Soon (Prof) 詹道存
- CHAN Kai Yau
- CHAN Siew Jiang
- CHAN-LOH Wai Cheng
- CHAN, Molly Hong Lian
- CHEE Keng Lim
- CHEE Keng Soon (Mrs) @ Yong Quek Fong
- CHELLIAH, Jazmyn (Dr)
- CHEN Ai Yen (Dr) 陈藹彦