Communities of Singapore (Part 1)
About Project
The Communities of Singapore project records the early life, customs, traditions, religions, institutions and social relations of early immigrants and inhabitants of Singapore. Part 1 covers minority ethnic groups such as the Peranakans, Armenians and Eurasians.
Names of Interviewees in Communities of Singapore (Part 1)
Showing 1 - 20 of 72 records.
- AERIA, Terence Oswald
- ALFREDS, Benjamin Ponnuthurai
- ALFREDS, F G (Mrs)
- BALLAS, Jacob
- BARTH, Ronald Hubert
- BASMADJIAN,Greg Krikor
- BENNETT, Charles William
- BENNETT, Charles William (Mrs)
- CHAN Keong Poh
- CHAN, Florence
- CHEO, Kenneth Kim Ban
- CHEW, Irene Lian Neo (Mdm)
- CHIA How Ghee (Mrs)
- CHONG Kow Thye
- CHOPARD, Joseph Henry
- CHUA Sian Kay
- CHUA, Mary Swee Neo
- CHUA, Matthew
- CLARKE, Gerard Farleigh Eustachius (Gerry Clarke)
- D'COTTA, Christopher