Chinese Dialect Groups
About Project
Initiated in 1984, this project traces the transformation of Chinese migrant society and details topics such as family background, domestic life and childhood, migration to Singapore, the Japanese occupation, work experience including in coolie houses, community and social structures like secret societies, religion and customs, festivals, recreation, marriage and family life, politics and community identity. More than 200 interviews were conducted.
Names of Interviewees in Chinese Dialect Groups
Showing 1 - 20 of 252 records.
- ANG Tian Sung 洪天送
- AW Yee Cheh 欧二姐
- AW Pee 胡扁
- AW Yow Choi 欧有彩
- CHAN Kwan
- CHAN Siew 陈笑
- CHAN Sok Keng 曾淑卿
- CHANG Ham Chwee 曾汉水
- CHANG Wenn Yuan 张文元
- CHAO Yoke San 赵玉山
- CHENG Keng Foon 曾敬宽
- CHEONG Kar Woh 张家和
- CHIA Soon Ann 谢顺安
- CHIA, George Cho Chee @ Chia Chor Chee / George Chia 谢佐芝
- CHIANG Boon Lim 章文林
- CHIN Chan Wei 陈占伟
- CHIN Sew Moh 陈忠根
- CHIN Sit Har 陈锡霞
- CHING Foo Kun 金富庚
- CHIU Jim 蒋壬