Documenting Middleton Hospital, Communicable Disease Centre and the Medical Heritage of Singapore

About Project

The project documented the long history and rich heritage of the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC, formerly Middleton Hospital) following its closure in 2018. It investigated the historic role of the hospital as an institution for the medical treatment, quarantine and control of infectious diseases since 1913. It considered the heritage value of CDC’s buildings, especially its Nightingale wards. In the course of its work, the project mapped the hospital as a significant theatre of memory through oral history interviews of over 30 doctors, nurses, other ancillary staff, public officials, former patients and their families, and the wider community.

Names of Interviewees in Documenting Middleton Hospital, Communicable Disease Centre and the Medical Heritage of Singapore

Showing 1 - 20 of 28 records.

  1. Akhterun Michelle Nisha
  2. ALLEN, David Michael
  3. BACHAN Singh
  4. CHAN, Roy Kum Wah (Prof.)
  5. CHEONG Yoke Ling
  6. CHEW Chin Hin (Dr) 周振兴
  7. CHEW Suok Kai
  8. George Yeo Poh Kee
  9. GOMEZ, Dorothy
  10. HAN Kwee Yin
  11. Harbhajan Singh
  12. HSU Li Yang
  13. Iris Verghese (nee Sim)
  14. Joyce J. Arokiasamy
  15. LENG, June Anne
  16. LEO Yee Sin (Prof.)
  17. LEONG Kwai Wah
  18. Low Hong Siam
  19. Meeravathy PS
  20. MONTEIRO, Edmund Hugh (Dr)
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