Community-Driven Oral History Project

About Project

To complement the Communities of Singapore project, four Community Oral History Committees (COHCs) were formed. Interviews conducted by the Malay, Chinese, Indian and Eurasian COHCs all come under this project, and they ensure that the gaps in community-specific oral history are filled and the contents representative of Singapore’s ethnic diversity.

The topics discussed are broad-ranging, and include the interviewees’ involvement in their community-specific associations like the Eurasian Association and the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and organisations like the Singapore Khalsa Association and the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO).

Interviewees include Kamala Devi Aravindan, who wrote for Malayalam plays that were staged by various Malayalee associations in Singapore, Sing Chor Ngee, who took over his family’s Lek Lim Nonya Cake Confectionary business, and national football legend Fandi Ahmad.

Names of Interviewees in Community-Driven Oral History Project

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