Topographic Map
Malaya - Singapore and Johore Bahru
This 1945 topographical map of Singapore island is one of the rare few produced by Indian military surveyors following the return of the British to Singapore after the Japanese surrender.  The map’s distinctive color schemes, with areas of farmland marked in bright yellow, followed the survey of India standard colours.  Local food production was vital for the plans of returning British administrators to rehabilitate Singapore, which had suffered greatly during the occupation.

Map shows landscape, land use, physical features, settlements, transport, main roads, railway connecting to the Causeway, agricultural plantations, villages, dairy farms, quarries, rubber factories, brickworks factories, airfields, forest reserves, reservoirs, schools, hospitals, barracks, cemeteries, rivers, islands, buildings, swamps, Sungei Buloh Estate, Namazie Estate, Bajau Estate, Yun Nam Estate, Bulim Estate, Tong Bee Estate, Mandai Tekong Estate, Wee Soon Chuan Plantation, Singapore United Plantation, Kampong Amoy Quee, Kampong Jawa, Fruit and Pineapple Experimental Station,  and others.  

Inset: Pulau Salu, Pulau Sudong, Pulau Pawai, Pulau Senang, Pulau Biola, Pulau Satumu, and others
20120001653 - 0007
HIND 1035, Sheet 3L/12, 4th Edition
Similar maps in TM000340, TM000985, TM000984, TM000413, TM001346, D2019_000006_TNA, M2019_000012 but in different conditon
Published by Survey Production Centre, A.L.F.S.E.A.

Revised by 7 Ind Air Survey Company., I.E. Reproduced by IIO Map Production Company R.E.
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