Chart serves as notices to mariners showing data on depths of water, clarity of water, fishing stakes, areas under reclamation (2000), buried submarine cables, prohibited areas, sea charts, Second Crossing bridge, Tuas Checkpoint Complex, Johor Bahru Port Limits, Singapore Port Limits, Channel Limit, Tuas Jetty, Merambong Spit, Poyan Reservoir, Tengeh Reservoir, Tuas Bay, Tuas Approach Channel, Long Shoal, Pulau Merambong, Kolek Rocks, Raffles Marina, Raffle Country Club, Pan United Shipyard Private Limited, Keppel Shipyard Limited, Tanjong Gul, and others
20120001552 - 0009
100 WGS84
Published by Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore,1st Sep 1998
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.