Chart serves as otices to mariners showing depth of water, clarity of water, shoals, banks, coastlines, reefs, overfalls, buoys, beacons, islands, port limits, dumping grounds for explosives, Johor Bahru Port Limits, Singapore Port Limits, Phillip Channel, Fair Channel Bank, North Channel, Middle Channel, South China Sea, South Channel, Sultan Shoal, Pulau Pisang, Horsburgh Lighthouse, Main Strait, Singapore Strait, the Southern Islands, Pulau Karimun Besar, Pulau Kundur, Pulau Sugi, Pulau Combol, Pulau Bulan, Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, and others
20120001547 - 0005
202 WGS84
Published by Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
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