Map shows contours, buildings, bungalows, housing estates, schools, post office, buildings under construction, foot bridges, Chinese Cemetery, Public Utilities Board Pipeline, Rumah Persekutuan, Kingsmead Hall, Farrer Primary School, Saint Margaret's Secondary School, Nanyang Girls' Secondary School, Victoria Park, Rebecca Park, Leedon Park, Cluny Road, Cluny Hill, Woollerton Park, Farrer Road, Queen's Road, King's Road, Coronation Road, Duchess Road, Bin Tong Park, Belmont Road, and others
20080000023 - AccNo2357
Sheet J18 N.A.C.14/68 SDS446/68/PT1A
Produced by Fairey Surveys Ltd for the Government of Singapore.
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Old accession number: 2357
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore