Strait of Malacca (Sheet 2) from the North Sands to Singapore, by Captain Washington
The hydrographic chart, prepared from surveys of Lieutenant C Y Ward, 1852 to 1855, with additions, and published on 1 August 1860, is Admiralty Chart No 1355, showing soundings in fathoms in the Straits of Malacca, from Pulo Pandan (The Brothers) and Salangore (Sungei Selangor) to Singapore Island and Riau Islands, along the coastline Malaya and part of the coastline of Sumatra, in Reccan (Rokan) River and River Siak, and in (South) China Sea off Pahang and Johor in the vicinity of Pulau Varella and Siribuat Island, islands, estuaries, Gunong Ledang or Mount Ophir, Bukit Timah (Hill) and some other mountains and hills with heights in feet, Malacca, and others.
PCDM00145 - 0021
CH 055
London Published at the Admiralty, under the superintendence of Capt Washington, Hydrographer
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