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Singapore Sheet No. 2: Mukim Number XI Kranji, Mukim Number XII Lim Chu Kang, And Mukim Number XIII Sembawang
Map covers Mukim Number XI Kranji, Mukim Number XII Lim Chu Kang, and Mukim Number XIII Sembawang, showing Johore, Johore Bahru, Johore Strait, the Causeway, physical landscape, swamps, rubber plantations, coconut plantations, pineapple plantations, brick factory, railway station, railway lines, pier, Sungei Buloh Forest Reserve, Kranji Forest Reserve, Bukit Mandai Forest Reserve, Municipal Catchment Area, Bukit Mandai, Kampong Kranji, Sungei Buloh Estate, Marsiling Estate, Wing Lee Estate, Bukit Sembawang Estate, Buwor Estate, Chin Kiang Estate, Han Kow Estate, Mandai Tekong Estate, Woodlands Estate, Woodfield Estate, Keramat Batu Rimau, Sungei China, Sungei Mandai, Sungei Kranji, Suingei Buloh Besar, Kranji Road, Woodlands Road, and others

From War Officer and Predecessor. Maps and Plans
2019HDD0001 - 0062_WO78_2661_2
WO 78/2661/2; Sheet Number 2. F.M.S. Surveys Number 7_1924
Belongs to a set - see D2019_000025_TNA to D2019_000047_TNA (WO78/2661/1-22). Similar to map TM000415.
Survey Department, Singapore, Surveyor-General, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.) and Straits Settlements (S.S.)
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