The hydrographic chart, mostly by Capt Daniel Ross and adapted by Capt James Horsburgh, is Admiralty Chart No 1355, published on 10 November 1840, showing soundings in fathoms in the Straits of Malacca, from Salangore River (Sungei Selangor) to Singapore Island and Riau Islands, coastlines of Sumatra, south-western Malaya, western Singapore and islands in the vicinity, hachures, vegetation in pictorial form along the coast of Sumatra, rivers, mostly named, Malacca (Town), Mount Ledang or Ophir, Salangore (Selangor), British Malacca, Johore, and others.
2017HDN0003 - 0032_HC000072
CH 163
London Published according to the Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty
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