Hydrographic Chart
Map of The Malay Peninsula to accompany the paper of Mr D.D. Daly
This map of Malaya covers Singapore, Johor, Pahang, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Sungei Ujong, Selangor, Perak, Dindings, Province Wellesley, Pulo (Pulau) Penang, part of Kedah, Kelantan, Tringganu (Trengganu) and part of Sumatra, Selangor, hills (bukit), mountains (gunong), highland shadings, heights in feet, towns, some kampongs, mouths of rivers (kwala), islands (pulo or pulau), rivers (sungei), points or capes (tanjong), Johor Bahru, Serembang (Seremban), Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Kwala Kangsa (Kuala Kangsar), George Town, Kota Baru (Bharu), Tringganu (Kuala Trengganu), Pekan, Gunong Tahan, "Unexplored Country inhabited by Sakei (Sakai) and Semang", "Unexplored Marshy Land", approximate boundaries of Kelantan, between Trengganu and Kelantan and between Pahang and Trengganu, Sungei Perak, Sungei Bernam, Sungei Selangor, Sungei Klang, Sungei Malacca, Sungei Muar, Sungei Johor, Sungei Endau, Sungei Pahang, Sungei Kelantan, Strait of Malacca, Singapore Strait, Selat Tembrau (Selat Johor), Pulo Battam (Batam), Pulo Bintang (Bintan), Pulo Tioman, and others.
20050000923 - 0043_Malaysia_Div_25_D2018_000165_RGS
mr Malaysia D.25 (1)
Published for the preceedings of the Royal Geographical Society
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Map of The Malay Peninsula to accompany the paper of Mr D.D …

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