Hydrographic Chart
Map Of The Malay Peninsula 1891
This map covers part of north-western Malaya showing Pinang (Penang), Province Wellesley, Dinding, parts of Selangor, Kedah and Perak, coastline fronting Straits of Malacca, Pulau Pangkor, other islands, approximate boundaries, British and Kedah boundary, boundary claimed for Reman, railway, proposed railways, roads, paths, place names, kampongs, rivers, streams, hill hachures, locations with tin, Telok Anson, Bandar Bharu, Ipoh, Thaipeng (Taiping), Tapah, Chemor, Kota Tampan, Matang, Port Weld, Sabah, Slim, Trong, Selamar (Selama), George Town, Butterworth, Muda River, Krian River, Perak River, Bernam River with statement "This river forms the Perak & Selangor boundary" and others.
20050000923 - 0013_Malaysia_div_24_1891_D2018_000148_2_RGS
mr Malaysia D.24 Sheet002
This is the middle left part of the map which is in six parts, namely Acc. Nos. D2018_000148_1_RGS to D2018_000148_6_RGS
Similar map in TM000402_4
Published by The Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, National Museum, Singapore, Stanford Geographical Establishment, 55 Charing Cross.
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