MC 0229-64 Pt 1 Vol 1
150th Anniversary of the Founding of Singapore
323 pgs- National celebrations came under the Ministry of Culture (MC) during the early years. Thus, MC drove the plans to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Singapore in 1969, on a grand scale and work began in early 1968 following a Cabinet directive. Key programmes included the issue of gold and silver commemorative coins; a series of commemorative stamps depicting key achievements and historical highlights; a commemorative book on the political, economic and social history of Singapore spanning the period 1819-1969; exhibitions; concerts; and other organised activities.  Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew (PM LKY) chaired the first meeting to discuss the contents of the commemorative book.   A Central Steering Committee with representatives drawn from key ministries and agencies under the chairmanship of Permanent Secretary MC,   oversaw the planning and organising of the activities.  File contents cover these activities, the ideas that were generated as well as minutes of meetings and letters of invitation to organisations (public and private) to participate actively with their own programmes.
Sep 19667 - Mar 1969
AP 013
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