DTSE 6805 (1-100)
Provision of Radio Masts and Towers - VHF Station, Bukit Timah
The file contains records relating to planning, procurement, installation and operation of two 200-foot (ft) steel towers to be erected on Bukit Timah Hill for mounting of very-high-frequency (VHF)/ ultra-high-frequency antennae used for radio-communication services.

Correspondence (External)
- a minute dated 30 June 1958 from Director (Telecoms) forwarding an indent to the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations for the supply of two 200-ft galvanised steel lattice towers from Blaw Knox Ltd;
- a minute from the Director (Telecoms) requesting the Director of Public Works in May 1959 to conduct a site investigation to establish the engineering requirements of foundations for two 200-ft steel towers at Bukit Timah Hill;

- a minute from the Director (Telecoms) requesting the Senior Electrical Engineer, Public Works Department in October 1959 to call a tender for the provision of an obstruction lighting system for two 200-ft radio towers to be erected at the new VHF radio station at Bukit Timah; and
- calling for a tender for erection of two 200-ft steel radio towers and associated fittings at Bukit Timah Radio Station. In December 1959, approval from the Tenders Board was obtained on the tender award recommendation.
Mar 1958 - Oct 1960
TAS 093
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