Singapore. Social Welfare Department
The Singapore Department of Social Welfare was set up in Jun 1946 and was primarily aimed at alleviating social problems in the aftermath of World War II. There were five main sections, namely Food, Settlements, Relief, Youth Welfare and Women and Girls. In the early years, the Department's functions and concerns were primarily aimed at alleviating post-war problems. A Social Welfare Council chaired by the Head of the Department acted as a co-ordinating advisory body to the Department. The Council comprised representatives of various religious bodies, voluntary welfare organizations and heads of Government and Municipal Departments handling functions pertaining to welfare. The Singapore Social Welfare Council later became the Singapore Council of Social Service in December 1958. The Social Welfare Department ceased to be a standalone department in 1955, when it came under the Ministry of Labour and Welfare (1955-1959), followed by the Ministry of Labour and Law (1959-1961), Ministry of Labour (1961-1963), Ministry of Home Affairs (including Social Welfare; 19 Oct 1963 – 26 Nov 1963) and Ministry of Social Affairs (26 Nov 1963-1985; Ministry of Cultural and Social Affairs 1965-1968).  The Department ceased to exist in 1984 as a result of reorganisation. However its functions were transferred to various divisions under the Ministry of Community Development, the successor of the Ministry of Social Affairs formed on 2 Jan 1985.

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