Singapore Government Press Release

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2.�� 德明创办于1956年。那是新加坡历史上关键的时刻。当时,新加坡还未独立,社会动荡不安。共产党人十分活跃,他们制造各种事端,策谋暴动事件,并且渗透多所华文中学。他们组织罢课和示威活动,使学校无法正常运作。当时的政府于是决定开办几所政府中学,以容纳受影响的华校生,而德明便是其中的一所。开始时,德明只有一百名学生和十位教师,并且还得借用一所小学作为临时的校舍。


3.�� 幸运的是,一批优秀和富有献身精神的教育工作者负起建校的工作,特别是德高望重的第一任校长陈人浩先生。在他们的领导下,加上历届师生的努力,德明迅速建立扎实的学习风气,以及良好的校誉,进而成为新加坡一所杰出的学府。过去五十年来,德明不论是在学术表现,还是课外活动的领域都交出良好的成绩。学生获得十分全面的教育和发展。


4. ��德明的毕业生在事业上很有成就,在各个领域对国家的发展做出贡献。多位成功的商人,蔡天宝先生,蔡其生先生,魏成辉先生,以及黄思绵先生,都是校友。他们也热心公益,负责领导学校咨询委员会和校友会的工作,或者是在中华总商会,专业团体和公共机构服务。很多校友也在政府和公共机构担任要职。其中的两位还踏入政坛,成了国会议员,他们是王世丰医生和杨莉明女士。


5. ��随着时代的变迁,今天的德明跟半个世纪前大为不同。不过,它仍旧保留了许多优良的文化传统。它还是一所政府学校,所提供的是一般家庭负担得起的良好教育。德明不仅是学生求知的好场所,也是学生接触华族文化和吸收价值观的好环境。数十年来,德明强调品德培养的方针不变,贯彻了当年创校的精神和意愿。德明校名取自儒家格言大学之道,在明明德,说明学校对品德教育的重视。


6. ��德明是一所特选中学,正负起培养新一代双语和双文化人才的重要任务。随着双文化课程的开办,德明所将栽培的人才不但精通双语,也将对中国的历史,文化和现代的发展具备深刻的认识。


7. ���与此同时,我希望德明和其他特选中学能够尽力让学生认识到我国多元种族的特性,确保他们能够融入多元种族社会。令我欣慰的是,德明在这方面做了很多工作。你们经常跟其他学校进行交流,邀请非华族学生参加春节的庆祝会。此外,学校也通过各种课外活动让学生接触和了解其他族群的文化,这包括让学生学习马来语会话,以及欣赏马来族和印度族的音乐。





Mr Sam Goi, Chairman School Advisory Committee

Mr Sng Chern Wei, Principal, Dunman High School

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen


1.        I am happy to join you this evening for Dunman High�s 50th anniversary celebration.


2.        Dunman High was founded in 1956. This was a critical period before independence, filled with communist inspired agitation and riots.Many Chinese-medium schools were infiltrated by Communist cells, which organised the students to stage sit-ins and demonstrations, and disrupt classes. Dunman was one of the government schools established to provide education for students who were affected.It started from scratch with just 100 students and 10 teachers, and even had to make use of a primary school for its campus.���


3.        Fortunately, a group of outstanding educators devoted their time and energies to build up the school.They included the first principal of Dunman High, the late Mr Chen Ren Hao. Under their leadership, and the commitment and hard work of the successive batches of staff and students,Dunman High developed a quality learning environment and established a reputation as one of the top schools in Singapore.In the last fifty years, Dunman has distinguished itself through its outstanding academic performance, strong co-curricular activities, and holistic development of students.


4.        Dunman�s graduates have done well in their careers, and contributed to Singapore in many fields.For example, Mr Chua Thian Poh, Mr Thomas Chua, Mr Sam Goi and Mr Ng Ser Miang are successful businessmen who also find time to serve in the school alumni and Advisory Committee, the Singa�pore Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and other professional and national bodies.Many others have also distinguished themselves in public service and in government.Some like Mrs Josephine Teo and Mr Ong Seh Hong have become Members of Parliament.


5.        Dunman High has changed over the years, but it has preserved the best of its cultural heritage and traditions.It remains a government school, providing affordable quality education for students from all walks of life.It continues to offer an environment rich in Chinese culture and values, with a strong emphasis on moral and character development. This is in keeping with its school name which embodies the Confucian values of education [大学之道在明明德].��


6.        As a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school, Dunman is well placed to groom a new generation of bilingual and bicultural Singaporeans.With the introduction of Bicultural Studies Programme, Dunman will be able to nurture a core group of students who are not only highly proficient in both languages, but also have a strong understanding of China�s history, culture and contemporary developments.


7.        At the same time, SAP schools like Dunman High must produce students that are well integrated into Singapore�s multi-racial society.In this regard, I am glad that Dunman High has regular exchanges with other schools, and invites their non-Chinese students to participate in events like the Chinese New Year celebration.Dunman also has many initiatives to help its students appreciate and understand other cultures.For example, its students are able to pick up conversational Malay and learn about ethnic Malay and Indian music.


8.        Dunman High can be proud of its many achievements over the last 50 years.Going forward, it must build on its rich heritage and tradition of excellence to chart new frontiers and reach even greater heights.I am confident that Dunman will continue to raise its quality of education, and provide more avenues for its students to pursue their passions and develop their potential fully.


9.        Let me continue in English.


Dunman � Past, Present and Future [English]


10.     The theme of tonight�s celebration � �reminiscing our past, cherishing our present, and shaping our future� � is appropriate for this 50th anniversary milestone event.It is an opportunity for us to reflect on where we came from and what we have been through together, even as we look ahead to the future.


11.     Dunman High has transformed itself over the years into one of Singapore�s premier secondary schools. It is known for its tradition of excellence, as well as its emphasis on character development and sound values.Dunman is the school of choice among students who want a well-rounded education with a solid grounding in Chinese language and culture.All this did not come about by chance.It is the result of the concerted effort of the school�s advisory committee, principals and teachers, as well as parents, students and alumni, both past and present.


12.      Dunman has a very active and supportive alumni network.We see prominent Dunman alumni in many sectors of public life, including politics, education and business.They are proficient in Chinese, and committed to their duties and responsibilities at work.They have proven themselves in their careers, quietly chalking up achievements year by year. More importantly, they put community before self, and contribute their energies and talents to society. Many are active in Chinese clan associations and the Singa�pore Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry.Some also serve in the School Advisory Committee and help to guide the direction and character of the school.


13.      Today, Dunman High is nurturing a new generation of graduates.They are well-educated, bilingual and have a more cosmopolitan view of the world.They are creative, confident and passionate about pursuing their dreams in life. They not only get good grades in their �O-levels�, but more importantly continue to do well in life after that, be it in JCs, universities or their careers.Not surprisingly, Dunman graduates are in high demand.


14.      While the attributes and qualities of Dunman graduates have evolved over time, one thing remains unchanged � their sense of commitment and obligation to society.The new students continue to follow the example of their predecessors, actively engaging in community and public service.The current principal of Dunman High � Mr Sng Chern Wei � is an example.A President�s Scholar, he studied abroad in Cambridge and upon returning to Singapore, decided to go back to Dunman High to pursue a career in teaching.Now, the torch of leadership has been passed to him.I am sure he will uphold the heritage and traditions of the school, even as he leads it to greater excellence.


15.      Going forward, Dunman High is well placed to do even more to upgrade the quality of its education. Dunman was one of the pioneer schools to offer the Bicultural Studies Programme.Students on the programme spend up to two months in China, four weeks in Hong Kong or Taiwan, as well as a stint in the US to further deepen their understanding of both Eastern and Western cultures.In addition, prominent speakers are invited to talk on a wide variety of subjects, such as entrepreneurship, moral education, as well as language and cultural issues.I am confident that these varied activities and experiences will help to shape the students� exposure and broaden their perspectives.


16.      Dunman High will also be the first government school to offer the 6-year Integrated Programme.Dunman used to have a pre-university programme, but this stopped in 1979 following the reforms in the education system.Dunman will now to have to build up its capabilities and establish a track record in A-levels.To prepare itself, Dunman is re-building its existing campus to twice its current size. The campus will be ready in 2009. It will have state-of-the-art facilities, and be large enough to take 2,600 students. Dunman is already well known as a premier institution for secondary education.With its commitment and pioneering spirit, I am confident that it will, before too long, similarly establish the reputation of its Integrated Programme.


17.      Besides focussing on academic excellence, I hope that Dunman High will continue to motivate its students to serve our community and nation.I am glad that Dunman students are involved in community work.They help out with community organisations, organising activities, doing projects or raising funds.All this will help to instil in our students a sense of duty towards the community and towards those who are less fortunate.


18.      Singapore�s future lies in the hands of our younger generation.Only by investing in our young and nurturing their growth can we assure ourselves of continued progress and prosperity in the years to come. Our schools play an important role in giving our students a well-rounded education and grooming them into responsible citizens.This is why we have spared no efforts in upgrading our education system across the board.As the world becomes increasingly globalised, we want to help our young adopt a global outlook, and acquire the skills and mindsets to succeed in a global marketplace.At the same time, we must grow their roots, so that they do not lose their values and traditions.For the past 50 years, Dunman High has risen to this challenge.It has stayed true to its vision of nurturing high-achieving leaders, who are also loyal citizens with a global outlook.�� On this 50th anniversary of Dunman High, I extend my best wishes to the School Advisory Committee, the Principal and staff, and the students and parents of the school.I hope you will scale new heights in the next 50 years and beyond. 

