Mr Wong Woon Liong, Director-General, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore


Mr Chew Choon Seng, CEO, Singapore Airlines


Members of the airport community


Distinguished guests


Ladies and gentlemen



            I am very happy to be here with you today.  We are standing on the threshold of yet another milestone in the history of civil aviation.  Come next year, a new chapter in aviation history will be created when the lead, Singapore Airlines� Airbus A380 aircraft, takes off from Changi Airport on its first ever commercial flight in the world.


Challenges of Catering to the A380

2          The A380 will be the world�s largest passenger aircraft, and the first double-decker plane to be put into service.  It is able to carry a recommended load of up to 555 passengers[1], as opposed to a maximum of 416 seats[2] on a Boeing B747-400 today.  Given its size, the A380 presents formidable challenges for airports and airlines around the world.  These include technical challenges like ensuring that the airport infrastructure can accommodate the aircraft, facilitating the speedy disembarkation of passengers from the aircraft, and further downstream, the quick clearance of arriving passengers through immigration and customs checkpoints.  Onboard the aircraft, I can imagine that passengers would also want to know nitty-gritty details like how fast they will be served their meals!


Boosting Changi�s Air Hub Status with the A380

3          Here at Changi, we must rise up to the challenges that the arrival of the A380 brings.  If we are well-prepared, the A380 can further strengthen Changi�s position as a hub airport, as well as help SIA to further expand its market and extend its reach in the skies. 


4          For Changi Airport, the A380 will accentuate the trend of more passengers congregating at large hub airports.  Passengers can be persuaded to stop over at such hub airports because of the excellent connectivity they can get in terms of flights to a multitude of destinations as well as the frequency of flights.  We can expect more passengers to stop in Singapore for a stay, and an even greater number of transit and transfer passengers to pass through Changi.  Therefore, Changi Airport must seize the opportunities that come with the advent of the A380 to further anchor Singapore�s position as a key global air hub.


5          To do so, we must ensure that Changi Airport, together with all our airline partners, particularly SIA, the A380�s launch customer, is well prepared to meet these challenges.  The stakes are high � SIA alone has ordered 10 A380s, with 15 more on option.  Our other major airline partners like Qantas, Emirates, Malaysian Airlines and Thai Airways have also placed orders for the A380.  As an international air hub, Changi Airport must be well-positioned to handle the demands of the new A380 aircraft as well as the corresponding increase in passenger loads without compromising the high standards of safety, efficiency and service which Changi Airport is well-known for.  Otherwise, our competitors would only be too ready to roll out the red carpet to welcome any relocating airlines.


Preparing for the A380

6          Let me detail some of the things that we are doing to prepare for the A380�s debut.  Firstly, in terms of airport infrastructure, I am glad that the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) has been actively working behind the scenes with Airbus, airlines and airworthiness authorities over the last five years to plan for the A380�s airport operations.  Indeed, their work began as early as the year 2000, when the very first order for the A380 was placed by SIA � so work actually started even before the first A380 was built! 


7          A total of S$60 million has been invested to improve Changi�s infrastructure and facilities to ensure that the A380 aircraft will be able to operate safely and efficiently here.  The actual modifications to Changi�s existing infrastructure and facilities have started in phases since last year.  Works include the widening of the runway shoulders, as well as the extension of the intersections between runways and taxiways, and the intersections between taxiways.  In addition, 11 gate holdrooms at both Terminals 1 and 2 are being enlarged and a revolutionary aerobridge with a �third arm� is being developed to provide passengers direct access to the upper deck of the A380. This third arm will expedite the boarding and disembarkation of passengers.  Already, the first of these gate-hold rooms is ready.  I am glad to note that our progress is ahead of schedule, so that we will be more than ready when the A380 finally arrives.


8          Second, to ensure that the �Changi Experience� is not compromised for A380 passengers, adequate check-in, immigration and security screening channels will be provided for to ensure quick clearance of passengers. Measures being undertaken include the extension of some of the baggage belts to handle the peak loads from A380 flights, and the deployment of more x-ray machines at each A380 gate hold-room to ensure expedient screening of passengers.


9          Third, to further enhance operational safety, CAAS has spent another S$8 million to upgrade emergency equipment at Changi Airport.  This includes the purchase of new fire-fighting equipment and the review of existing emergency plans to ensure that all airport agencies are prepared for any A380 aircraft incidents.


10        With all these measures, I am sure you will agree with me that Changi is taking the arrival of this new baby very seriously.  Just as all expectant mothers are worried about each and every child they bring into this world, both Changi Airport and SIA are approaching the arrival of the A380 with as much care and attention that they possibly can give.  We all eagerly await the arrival of the aircraft next year, and I am glad to know that both CAAS and SIA have started the countdown by coming up with a whole series of events to share the excitement of the arrival of A380 with their customers and partners.  I wish you both the best and like you, I look forward eagerly to SIA�s historic inaugural flight of the A380 from Changi Airport next year.



[1] Airbus' recommendation is for 555 passengers in a three-class configuration (figures from the Airbus website) but SIA will be have less than 480 seats in a three-class configuration.

[2]A total of 416 passengers is the maximum under a 3-class configuration for the Boeing B747-400 and B 747-400 ER.