Venerable Shi Fa Zhao

President, Metta Welfare Association

and Chairman, Metta School Management Committee


Mr Anuwar Bin Abdul Wahab

Acting Principal, Metta School


Distinguished Guests


Teachers and Staff


Students and Parents



1.            It gives me great pleasure to join you at the official opening of the Metta School�s new school building.  Today marks a significant milestone in the school�s journey in providing a quality education to children with special needs.


2.            In 2001, the Metta Welfare Association established the school in recognition of the need for specialised approaches in educating children with mild intellectual disability.  The school has since taken on the challenge of catering to children with autism.  At present, children with autism constitute 16% of the school�s enrolment of about 340 students.  The school has integrated the two groups of children well.


3.            Through education, we want to help every child develop, to make the most of his or her life, and to contribute to society.  No matter what a child�s aptitudes, talents and learning styles, we want to help him become the best that he can be.  We will provide all students with a good education � not only those who are suited to the traditional route of academic progression, but also those with special needs or a different style of learning.


4.            To do this, we have to keep innovating.  We have to re-examine what we do from time to time, and see if there are better ways of bringing out the full potential of students with different talents and inclinations.  This applies as much to our mainstream schools, teaching the mainstream curriculum, as for special education.


5.            Metta is a good example of a school that has embraced innovation, while building on its traditions.


6.            Metta School has adopted inventive approaches to educating its children, while preserving an environment of love and care.  The school has moved away from a traditional approach of relying principally on professional services such as physiotherapy to improve students� movement and motor coordination skills.  It introduced performing and visual arts in 2003, to inject fun and enjoyment into learning.  In so doing it has also moved from a predominantly left-brained curriculum to a more holistic education geared to the special needs of its children.


7.            The arts today take up one third of curriculum time at Metta School.  I was impressed to learn of the great range of arts that have been brought into the school  -  activities like gamelan, Chinese orchestra, angklung, handbells, percussion, guitar, recorder, speech and drama, singing and music appreciation as well as wushu and lion dance.


8.            The various performing arts groups have performed at more than 20 public functions in the last two years � quite a remarkable achievement for any school, special or mainstream.  The school�s Chinese Orchestra collaborated with Ngee Ann Primary School Chinese Orchestra to perform at SHINE Night in October 2003 at Victoria Concert Hall.  Metta School�s Gamelan and Chinese Orchestra have been invited to perform at the MOE ExCEL Fest 2005 at Suntec Convention Centre in July this year.


9.            The visual arts component of the curriculum has been equally effective.  Activities like Pottery, Batik Painting and Chinese Calligraphy provide students with interesting opportunities for self-expression, quite apart from developing dexterity.  The students� pottery works have made it to the shelves of some retail shops.


10.       The school�s creative curriculum, together with rehabilitative and therapy services, promote all-round development of the children.  They also develop the children�s confidence in their abilities.


11.       I am told that Metta School�s brave efforts at innovation are paying off.  Students who used to misbehave in order to escape lessons which they disliked, have become more focused and eager to learn with the introduction of the new arts curriculum.  Teachers and instructors report that these students take pride in being able to play an instrument.  And that this is especially evident after a performance.


12.       Metta School�s innovations extend beyond the curriculum.  To enhance students� prospects of integrating into society after leaving the school, Metta School and Metta Welfare Association have jointly initiated a social enterprise called The Happy Arts Enterprise Ltd.  The enterprise provides vocational training for existing students to equip them with appropriate job competencies.  This will allow students to secure open employment or work in its Happy Arts Deli after graduation.  I commend Metta School for this very practical initiative to help its students prepare for the future after they leave school.


13.       I encourage Metta School to continue its good work in providing students with a broad range of opportunities for them to discover their strengths, and to leave school confident of themselves and able to contribute to the economy and society.  With its wide range of purpose-built facilities, the new school is even better placed to nurture its children in this direction.


14.       I commend the Metta Welfare Association, the School Management Committee, the school leadership and staff, as well as all the parents and students for having come so far in a short space of four years.  I wish the school every success in its endeavours to bring further quality into the delivery of special education.  It is my pleasure now to declare Metta School open.


