Singapore Government Press Release
Media Relations Division, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts,
MITA Building, 140 Hill Street, 2nd Storey, Singapore 179369
Tel: 6837-9666
His Excellency Mr Teppo Tauriainen, Ambassador of Sweden to Singapore
Mr Kwee Liong Keng, Chairman, Singapore Art Museum
Mrs Lim Siok Peng, Chief Executive Officer, National Heritage Board
Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
I am delighted to join you for the opening of the swedenmade design 4stories. I would like to welcome all the guests especially the design professionals and our overseas guests who are here to share their insight and experience with us.
The Swedes have been innovators, discoverers and inventors since the beginning of the industrial age. They have established a reputation for creativity and, at the same time, practical in life. With advent of the industrial revolution, Sweden was able to transform its agriculture-based economy into an industrial economy and has become a leader in the technological innovation. The Swedish spirit of creativity and innovation derived its inspiration from a humanist or people-centric perspective. Swedish design is very much focussed on human needs and interests. It emphasises the idea that design is important for everybody, not just for those with deep pockets to pay for beautiful but expensive things. Today people around the world use many everyday things that were originally designed by the Swedes. To name a few, the zipper, the Centigrade thermometer, the safety match, the central switchboard for telephones is among the many Swedish inventions which have entered our daily life.
Ikea is probably one of the best-known emblems for Swedish design worldwide. Ikea is now established in more than 30 countries including Singapore, where it opened its first store in 1978. In Singapore, Ikea has grown to become a household name. You will find Ikea products in many homes and offices. What is the Ikea magic? In a nutshell it offers innovative design, reliability and functionality at affordable prices. Ikea� success lies in its ability to pay highly creative and innovative designers to develop its products and still keep prices affordable.
We should learn from the Swedish spirit of creativity and innovation. As we restructure our economy and identify new niches for our entrepreneurs, deploying design to enhance our competitive edge becomes increasingly important and relevant. A strong design emphasis can help us to differentiate our offerings in the global market place. For a small economy, such distinction can make a big difference in our ability to tap global business opportunities.
Take the example of Banyan Tree Resorts. In the fiercely competitive resort and hospitality sector, Banyan Tree's strong emphasis on design in all aspects of its business � from its corporate branding and design, the architectural and interior design of its resorts, to the design of details such as restaurant cutlery and resort souvenirs � has resulted in its strong international reputation for a total resort experience.
The DesignSingapore Initiative is our strategy to integrate artistic creativity, business entrepreneurship and technological innovation to create new value. These are the ingredients for building our creative sector. It will bring together various government agencies, industry and education institutions, to lead in the pursuit of design excellence in Singapore. Specifically, the DesignSingapore Council has been set up by MITA to establish Singapore as an Asian hub for world-class design. The Council aims to build on Singapore's unique position as a multicultural, IT-savvy and cosmopolitan city to serve as a sophisticated market test bed for innovative design concepts from Asia to the world, and from the world to Asia. This will be achieved through nurturing our creative talents in the various design fields and attracting some of the world's best designers and enterprises to Singapore. This fusion of local and international design talents can result in a vibrant and integrated design community. The scope of such design enterprises and collaborations will be extensive and can range from buildings, environments, interiors, graphics, fashion, industrial equipment or the latest consumer products. The test will be how design can enhance the value and marketability of products in each of these areas. The task ahead for the DesignSingapore Council is a challenging one. Nevertheless, I am confident that we will be able to evolve a design environment that is distinctive and reflective of our unique social, cultural and economic values.
The National Heritage Board plays a part in this national design effort. NHB�s educational programmes can help to raise public awareness of the importance and benefit of good design. In presenting Singapore's own cultural products and heritage, as well as engaging new concepts by artists and designers from around the world, NHB can contribute to a more vibrant and stimulating design environment in Singapore. The swedenmade design 4stories exhibition and Design weekend is a good example of such efforts.
4stories is the Singapore Art Museum�s second exhibition featuring overseas design and creative industry. It is based on the theme of the four seasons and portrays the contemporary Swedish way of life in a playful way. The SAM is honoured to host this exhibition, as well as the Design Weekend, which is being held in conjunction with the exhibition. We are also very happy that some of Sweden's best-known companies are taking part.
I am hopeful that this exhibition and related events will be of tremendous benefit to our designers and students with an interest in the design sector. Just seeing how Swedish designers have materialised their inspirations and influenced daily life will open up our minds to the immense possibility that design can bring to our endeavours.
I would like to thank the Singapore Art Museum, the Embassy of Sweden, and the corporate sponsors who have come forward to bring this exhibition to Singapore.
I am pleased to declare swedenmade design 4stories exhibition open. I wish you a pleasant evening.