Singapore Government Press Release
Media Relations Division, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts
MITA Building, 140 Hill Street, 2nd Storey, Singapore 179369
Tel: 6837-9666
Portable Medical Benefits Scheme and Transferable Medical Insurance Scheme
In a volatile business environment, an employee can expect to change employers more frequently in his working life. With each change, the employee may lose his medical benefits provided by the respective employers. The Economic Review Committee, therefore recommended the introduction of the Portable Medical Benefits Scheme (PMBS) and the Transferable Medical Insurance Scheme (TMIS) so that employees can receive continuous medical coverage. The Government has accepted the ERC recommendations. A tripartite working group comprising representatives from National Trades Union Congress, Singapore Business Federation/Singapore National Employers Federation, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Manpower was formed to look into the operational details and implementation of the 2 schemes.
The PMBS and TMIS are both designed for the provision of inpatient/ hospitalisation medical benefits. Both PMBS and TMIS are based on medical insurance scheme � PMBS rides on the Medisave / Medishield framework while TMIS is a company-based medical insurance scheme. The features of the 2 portable medical benefits schemes are given in Annex 1.
Additional Medisave Contribution and Tax Exemption for Employees
To cater for the additional Medisave contribution under PMBS and other outpatient options recommended by the ERC (details given in Annex 2), the limit of additional Medisave contribution has been raised to $1,500 per year with effect from 1 January 2003. The tax exemption limit for employees for additional Medisave contribution is also raised to $1,500 per year from Year of Assessment 2004.
An employer who wishes to implement the PMBS for his employees may register with the Collection Planning & Registration Section of CPF Board for a new employer reference number for the additional Medisave contribution under the scheme.
Tax deduction on medical expenses for employers
Presently, medical expenses incurred by employers are tax deductible, up to 2% of the total payroll. To encourage employers to adopt the PMBS or the TMIS, the 2% tax deduction limit would continue to apply if they implement the PMBS or TMIS and if they can meet the qualifying conditions. For employers who choose not to implement either the PMBS or TMIS, their tax deductibility in respect of medical expenses will be reduced from the present 2% to 1% of the total payroll.
The above changes will take effect from 1 Apr 2004. Companies with financial year starting on or after 1 Apr 2004 will be subjected to the new tax deduction limit. For employers whose financial year starts in January to March 2004, the new tax deduction limit will come into force only in their next financial year starting in 2005.
To claim for the 2% tax deduction, employers who implement PMBS or TMIS must meet the following qualifying conditions as at 1 April 2004 or the 1st day of their financial year, whichever is later.
Qualifying Conditions For Tax Deduction On Medical Expenses Incurred By Employers
Employers implementing PMBS
a minimum amount: 1% of the Employment Act salary ceiling and
a maximum amount: 1% of the CPF contribution ceiling.
Employers implementing TMIS
For employers implementing TMIS, the scheme must cover at least 50% of its local employees.
Enquiries can be made with:
1 OCTOBER 2003
Annex 1
Both the Portable Medical Benefits Scheme (PMBS) and the Transferable Medical Insurance Scheme (TMIS) are designed for the provision of hospitalisation / inpatient medical benefits.
Portable Medical Benefits Scheme (PMBS)
Transferable Medical Insurance Scheme (TMIS)
Annex 2
Options A: Co-payment with Annual Individual Budget
Option B: Direct co-payment with additional Medisave contribution as trade off
Option C: Direct co-payment with cash incentives as trade off