Singapore Government Press Release

Media Division, Ministry of Information and The Arts,

MITA Building, 140 Hill Street, 2nd Storey, Singapore 179369

Tel: 837-9666








Dr Richard Hu, Mr Edmund Cheng, friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen.

The name Niu-Che-Shui is so evocative. It reminds older Singaporeans of the bustling street scenes in the 50s and 60s. The sight, sounds and of course, the smell, was nothing like what younger Singaporeans are used to today. I grew up in Hougang or Kangkar, which is a long way from Niu-Che-Shui. But on the rare occasions that I came here as a kid, I was fascinated.

I remember the days when Smith Street was characterised by its labyrinth of hawker stalls. It was a noisy, steamy place best known for food eaten along the five-foot way, or anywhere you can find standing room. There was a particularly graphic scene, which still remains with me. It was that of a street hawker who was trying to prepare a toman, or shang-yu, as the Cantonese calls this fish, for an impatient customer. As you know, this fish is always sold alive and preparing it can be quite an exciting and brutal task. How I wish there was a Sony handycam back in those days.

So I am most delighted that after several years of planning and preparation, we are now launching the Chinatown Food Street. This will enable all Singaporeans and visitors to experience a slice of what life in Chinatown used to be in the 1970s to the early 1980s. Some may call it a sanitised slice. But I see it as an updated and modernised version of the old grimy and smelly street scenes. It will enable us to make the sentimental journey without the unpleasantness and health hazards.

The Chinatown Food Street is the first major project under the Chinatown Experience Guide Plan to be materialised. This is a joint effort by the Singapore Tourism Board and Chinatown businessmen to revitalise Chinatown and bring back the crowds. It will add to our list of tourist attractions and further enrich the Singapore Experience.

This is a project which has involved many stakeholders. The Chinatown Business Association had been very supportive. Government agencies, such as the Ministry of Environment, NParks, the LTA, the URA, Singapore Land Authority, and of course the STB as the lead agency, have all been very committed to implementing this idea. I want to especially acknowledge the contributions of Dr Richard Hu for his role as Advisor to the Revitalisation of Chinatown Committee, Dr Hu had been a stout pillar of support and source of ideas to turn the plan into reality.

The public, and even the media, has shown much interest as the developments of Chinatown Food Street unfolded over the past months. I believe this reflects a growing sense of heritage and history. After all, Chinatown has a very special and sentimental place in many of our hearts. Such re-invention projects also serve to remind us that there are always opportunities to tap. We should never stop exploring and exploiting opportunities. With imagination, we can transform mundane old streets into bustling avenues of activities and stir up business opportunities.

The re-making of Chinatown Food Street is a reminder that despite the tough times, we must press on. Food Street is a demonstration of our determination to carry on to experiment and find new ways of generating business growth. When it comes to the business of enjoying good food, few can equal the passion of Singaporeans. Today, we bring back nostalgia, a slice of life that is so much a part of the character of Singapore and Singaporeans.

I hope that Chinatown�s model of Food Street will propagate itself in other parts of the island, so that more Singaporeans and visitors will get to experience this part of our national pastime.

Last but not least, I must take this golden opportunity to thank the people of Niu-Che-Shui for your wonderful encouragement and strong support to my colleagues and myself during the recent GE. Your endorsement has motivated us to serve you better. We look forward to working closely with you to make Niu-Che-Shui a better place for all.

Thank you and have a pleasant evening savouring Chinatown Food Street.
