Singapore Government Press Release
Media Division, Ministry of Information and The Arts,
MITA Building, 140 Hill Street, 2nd Storey, Singapore 179369
Tel: 837-9666
Circle Line and Kallang/Paya Lebar Expressway
The Government will be undertaking two major projects to improve the land transport system in Singapore. Firstly, the Circle Line (CCL) will enter into its 2nd phase of implementation. This phase will see the extension of the Marina Line by another five kilometres stretching from Stadium Boulevard to Upper Paya Lebar Road, with the addition of five new MRT stations. Secondly, a new expressway, the Kallang/Paya Lebar Expressway, will be built to improve traffic flow and provide better connectivity for the north-east corridor of Singapore.
Circle Line
The CCL is an orbital line linking all radial RTS lines running into the city. It is expected to run from Dhoby Ghaut to Paya Lebar, Serangoon, Bishan, Buona Vista and HarbourFront (next to the World Trade Centre). The exact alignment for most of the stretches is yet to be finalised. However, the CCL will interchange with the existing North-South and East-West lines, as well as the future North East Line (NEL) at these various stations for better connectivity and convenience to the commuters (See Annex 1 for map).
The CCL will be built in stages. The construction of the Marina Line is Stage 1 of the Circle Line. The extension of the Marina Line from Stadium Boulevard to Upper Paya Lebar Road/Bartley Road, will be Stage 2 of the CCL. The extension will be about 5km long, with 5 stations, and a train depot at Kim Chuan. The 5 stations will be situated at the following locations (See Annex 2 for maps):
Old Airport Road/Mountbatten Road junction
Old Airport Road, near Jalan Satu
Paya Lebar MRT station (interchange station)
Paya Lebar Road/Circuit Link junction
Upper Paya Lebar Road, near Irving Road
Major civil engineering works for CCL Stage 2 will begin next year. This five-kilometre of underground line will cost about $1.4 billion to build and is expected to be completed by the end of 2006.
The LTA is currently conducting design/technical studies for the remaining stages of the CCL. When fully completed, the CCL will provide inter sub-urban linkages currently not addressed by the existing MRT system, resulting in shorter travel time for a large number of public transport users. It will also allow MRT passengers going to other parts of Singapore to by-pass the city centre, thus relieving the loads on trains running into the city.
Kallang/Paya Lebar Expressway
The new expressway will be 12-km long, and will stretch from the East Coast Parkway (ECP) in the south to the Tampines Expressway (TPE) in the north east. The KPE starts at the ECP, crosses Geylang River, the National Stadium area, Nicoll Highway, Mountbatten Road, Geylang Road, Sims Avenue and the Pan Island Expressway (PIE).
From the PIE, the KPE will follow closely the alignment of the Pelton canal, crossing Aljunied Road and Upper Paya Lebar Road/Paya Lebar Road before following Airport Road past the Paya Lebar Airbase to connect to the TPE (See Annex 3 for map).
Estimated to cost about $1.6 billion, the project includes 9 km of tunnels from ECP all the way until after the Paya Lebar Airbase. The LTA will commence construction of the KPE later this year. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2006.
Land Required
Three quarters of the KPE will be in tunnel while the CCL will be completely underground. This will minimise impact on the environment and optimise land use.
Nevertheless, some private land will be affected directly by the CCL and KPE projects. The Government will need to acquire these lots for the construction of the two projects. In addition, some low-rise, low-intensity developments and underdeveloped land around the CCL stations will also be acquired so that comprehensive redevelopment can take place that will optimise the development potential of these sites.
For the KPE, the Government will be acquiring 47,618 square metres of land. A total of 74 lots located mainly in Geylang Lorong 2, 4, 5 and 7 between Mountbatten Road and Sims Avenue, Upper Paya Lebar Road, Airport Road and Defu Industrial Estate areas will be affected. For the CCL, 36 private lots with a total area of 33,691 square metres will be acquired. These lots are near the proposed CCL stations at Jalan Satu, Paya Lebar Road/Circuit Link, and Upper Paya Lebar Road/Irving Place. The lots affected by the rail construction are required by LTA by February 2002.
The listing of affected lots to be acquired will be gazetted on 28 Apr 2001. The plans showing these lands are available for viewing at the Land Office�s notice board on the 24th storey of Temasek Tower, Shenton Way from 12pm to 8pm on 28 April 2001 (Saturday) and from 9 am to 5 pm on 29 April 2001 (Sunday) and thereafter, during office hours. The plans are also available for sale from the Land Office. For enquiries, affected property owners can also call the Land Office hotline at (1800) 323-5950 during the above operating hours.
The statutory compensation to the land owners will be in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, i.e. the market value of the properties affected as at 28 April 2001 or 1 January 1995, whichever is the lower. In addition, eligible owners will be considered for the revised ex-gratia scheme, housing assistance and reimbursement claims for direct expenses as detailed in Annex 4.
Issued By: Ministry of Communications And Information Technology (MCIT) and Ministry of Law (MinLaw)
Date: 28 April 2001
For Media queries contact:
LTA: Han Liang Yuan � DID: 375 7153; Mobile: 98314628
Tian Yee Shin � DID: 375 7132; Pager: 95309629
MinLaw: Chua Loo Lin - DID: 332-4594, Mobile: 98514175
Margaret Ng - DID: 332-8828
Annex 4
Revisions to The Land Acquisition Package
The Government has made the following revisions to the compensation scheme via three initiatives:
The revised package will help to further alleviate financial hardship and will enable owners of the acquired residential properties to purchase new HDB flats as their replacement properties if they meet HDB�s prevailing eligibility criteria and direct-purchase policies. Owners of the acquired residential properties who wish to purchase a HDB flat can obtain a referral letter from the Land Office, before approaching HDB for assistance.
The revisions will apply with immediate effect to all new cases of compulsory land acquisition.
Revision to the Ex-Gratia Payments Scheme
Under the current ex-gratia scheme, payments are given to top-up the statutory compensation to the current market value at the date of gazette notification or $2 million, whichever is lower. Eligibility is restricted for only owner-occupied residential properties, owners of shophouses and small businesses.
The revised ex-gratia package is as follows:
Extension of Housing Assistance to Residential Owners
Currently, housing assistance is not given to owners affected by compulsory acquisition. Under the revised package, the following housing assistance will be extended to affected residential property owners if their statutory compensation is below $500,000 and if they meet HDB�s prevailing eligibility criteria and policies for direct-purchase flats from HDB:
Reimbursement for Direct Expenses Incurred Due to Compulsory Acquisition
Currently, the Government reimburses affected owners for removal expenses incurred as a result of the compulsory acquisition. Under the revised package, the Government has decided to reimburse affected owners for the following direct expenses incurred for the purchase of a comparable replacement property as a result of the acquisition:
For further clarification on the revised package, affected property owners may contact Land Office at the toll-free hotline number: (1800) 323-5950.
Q1: What does the Government mean by giving direct allocation and giving limited priority in the allocation of new HDB flats to the affected owners?
A1: HDB does consider appeals for allocation of a flat on medical or hardship/compassionate grounds on a case-by-case basis. For deserving cases, allocation of up to a 4-room completed or near completed flat may be granted, subject to the availability of such flats.
Under limited priority in the allocation of HDB flats, 6% of the new flat supply in both mature and non-mature estates will be set aside for allocation to the affected families. The affected owners can apply for these flats through the quarterly Registration for Flats exercises for flats in non-mature estates, as well as the other allocation exercises in mature and non-mature estates as and when they are conducted, subject to them meeting the prevailing eligibility conditions for purchase of HDB flats.
Q2: How can the affected owners claim for reimbursement for direct expenses?
A2: The affected owners must itemise and submit their claims before the vacation deadline stipulated by the Land Office. The claims must also be supported by documentary evidence of the expenses incurred.
Q3: Is there a time-frame for claiming for reimbursement for direct expenses?
A3: Yes. Affected owners should claim for reimbursement within 18 months from the date of gazette notification.
Q4: Will the Government offer additional financial assistance if the landowners are still out of pocket even after ex-gratia payments?
A4: For extreme hardship cases, the Government would consider extending additional ex-gratia payment based on the merits of the individual case.