Singapore Government Press Release

Media Division, Ministry of Information and The Arts, 36th Storey, PSA Building, 460 Alexandra Road, Singapore 119963. Tel: 3757794/5





We have just completed our third year of the S-League. It has been a difficult year for everyone -- our sponsors, the clubs, officials and players. With the economic crisis hitting hard, some clubs faced financial difficulties because their sponsors could not honour their commitments. Players and full-time officials had to take a hefty pay cut. It was a painful decision by the clubs but they knew they had no choice if they wanted to save their clubs.


2 Credit must go to all those who showed understanding of the situation, accepted the cuts and soldiered on to give their best on the field for their team and their fans. They are true professionals and I salute them.


3 There is another group who deserves special mention: the fans. They did not abandon the S-League, even though they too had to tighten their belts. The Tiger Beer S-League, Prime League and Singapore Cup Tournaments were well attended, in spite of the economic downturn and the distraction of the World Cup. The fans continued to fill the stadium, sometimes to capacity.


4 They came with their parents and grandparents, their wives, their children, their girlfriends and boyfriends. Young and old, they cheered, waved flags, played the kompang and drums. For a few hours every weekend, they came together to enjoy the world�s favourite game, to laugh and scream and jeer and cheer their heroes on. They were the die-hard fans of the S-League, and I salute them.


5 1998 will also be remembered as the year we won the Tiger Cup. Our victory in the Tiger Cup Tournament was significant for several reasons. It was our national team�s first victory in an international tournament.

It was also our first major success based on S-League players. It was a morale booster for the S-League and for Singapore football. It made us believe in ourselves. It showed that we are on the right track, and that we should continue to build up the S-League.


6 When we started the S-League, we gave ourselves 3 years to see if it would survive. There were many people around who were willing to bet that it would not last. Not only have we survived, we are ready to go into our fourth year of pro football. 1999 promises to be just as exciting, if not more challenging than the last 3 years. The economic forecast for 1999 remains bleak. Clubs have to remain prudent to survive the year. As sponsors face the economic crunch, players and administrators must face the reality of the situation. They must continue to make sacrifices and lower their expectations.


7 There is a saying, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going". All of us involved in the S-League must be tough enough to keep going. Club management must work extra hard to raise the professional standards of both the play and administration. I must say they have done well this year despite the odds.

Players must take the disappointment of the salary cuts in their stride and be truly professional in their attitude both on and off the field.


8 1999 is also an important year as we will launch our blueprint for "Goal 2010, Singapore in the World Cup". Let us not kid ourselves. The road to World Cup 2010 is going to be long and rough and tough. There are many who say that this is a dream, that it is "mission impossible", and that we are crazy. I read an ad for Apple Computers which said "Only the people crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do".


9 We do not intend to change the world, but our task is no less difficult, so we need more crazy people. I prefer to call them "believers", people who dare to dream and to make dreams come true, people who are crazy enough to change the world rather than watch the world go by. The FAS has set up two task forces to brainstorm and come up with ideas on how we can achieve Goal 2010. They will be presenting their ideas at a public forum next month to gather feedback.

I call on all football loving Singaporeans to give them your support. It will be the first step in a journey of a thousand miles towards Goal 2010.


10 One big stepping stone towards achieving Goal 2010 is to make the S-League a success. With a successful S-League, we can attract more promising young players, train them and nurture them, and expose them and equip them with the necessary skills and experience. The fans have a major part to play in this. If we want our players to deliver exciting football in the Tiger Beer S-League matches, our fans should be there to give them their 100% support.


11 Local football should not be shunned and replaced by English or Italian football just because television gives more coverage to Manchester United or Juventus, or newspapers give more space to Beckham or Ronaldo. At the end of the day, we must have our own great clubs like Manchester United or Juventus, and our kids must have their own local heroes like Beckham or Ronaldo. Fans and players --- it is a symbiotic relationship. One cannot do without the other.


12 Clubs must realise this and work extra hard next year to generate the excitement that will bring the crowds to their stadium. The crowds will inspire their players to greater heights, which in turn will lift the spirits of the fans.


13 Tonight, we gather to acknowledge the achievements of a few players and officials, voted by their peers and the media, to be the best in 1998. As we do so, let us not forget the contributions of many others who have worked long and hard by the sidelines and behind the scenes to make it all tick.


14 I begin with the humble ball boys, the club ushers, ticket sellers and A-board layers, many of whom volunteered their services for the love of the game. On another level, I would like to acknowledge the Chairman and members of the S-League Board, who have also worked long and hard, also on a voluntary basis, for the love of the game.


15 Finally, I would like to thank all sponsors of the S-League and the clubs, the people of the media, the club advisers, and honorary officials and all the thousands of people who have helped to make all this possible. You are all award winners, but unfortunately we can only recognise a few this evening. So, congratulations to all of you, as well as to the winners of tonight�s awards.


Thank you and have a wonderful evening.