Singapore Government Press Release
Media Division, Ministry of Information and The Arts
36th Storey, PSA Building, 460 Alexandra Road, Singapore 119963. Tel: 3757794/5
Graduands, parents, ladies and gentlemen,
This commissioning parade marks the end of a significant chapter in your lives. Today, you will be commissioned and vested with the responsibilities of an officer in the Singapore Armed Forces. This is a proud moment for you, and equally for all of us, because you have earned this honour through your own toil, sweat and efforts. You have proven that you have the abilities, qualities and knowledge necessary to succeed in your roles as SAF junior officers.
Whether you are Regulars or National Service officers, you are now entrusted with the task of upholding the sovereignty of our nation. So while you look forward to your new duties with excitement and eager expectation, you should also reflect on this weighty responsibility. But it is with this responsibility that you will further grow and mature.
Already, your training has made you fine young men and women. This process will continue and, no doubt, all of us here view this with great satisfaction.
The SAF has evolved and grown over the past thirty odd years. At the same time, our nation has made good progress. Even in this period of regional financial crisis, our economy has been resilient. This resilience would not have been possible without the assurance of peace and stability, which only a strong SAF can guarantee.
National Service is also a nation building institution.
All National Servicemen are given basic military training, which equips them with the basic skills of soldiering. They are then given vocational training, which prepares them for combat, service or technical roles within the SAF. The best are then selected for leadership training either to be specialists or, like you, to be officers of the SAF.
During the training, you have learnt the importance of discipline, responsibility, commitment to excellence, and values, such as honour, courage and sacrifice. Your training allows you to work together, integrating your individually acquired skills into broader levels. Your operational groups are effective only if the acquired skills are coordinated and provide mutual support for one another. This practical application of skills builds up the camaraderie and team spirit of the servicemen. It will stand you in good stead when you join the workforce after your full-time National Service.
In our pursuit of economic goals, these notions may seem unimportant. However, these are values that are necessary and pertinent to the continued prosperity of our nation. The values acquired will continue to benefit you when you leave the SAF.
As junior officers, whether as commanders, instructors or supervisors, you will play a major role in the development of our servicemen. It is your responsibility to inculcate the values into them so that the continued growth of our home and nation may be assured.
You will now set the scene for your men in the SAF.
Train and test them. Demand the best from each of them, but demand even more from yourself. Harvest the ideals of teamwork and pride that you have acquired. Impart it to your men. Yet balance this with sensitivity and understanding. Empathize with your charges and relate to them, rather than manage them as resources to be maximised.
In the days to come, you will face many trials and challenges. Your responsibilities will also increase. Yet there is no reason why you should not succeed.
As you all go your separate ways, always remember your friends and the time you spent in SAFTI. You have gone through the toughest moments together and developed bonds that are invaluable. Bring honour to your family, to your friends and to the Officer Corps.
I congratulate each and every one of you for having earned your commission. Serve the nation well. I wish you the very best. Thank you.