Speeches By President Benjamin Sheares And Other Senior Government Officers
- Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Fonds
- Radio and Television Singapore Series
Radio-Television Singapore
Television Corporation of Singapore
- 12/10/1972
Record Date
- 00:41:47
Recorded Duration
- English
Recording Language
Accession No.
- Sound
- 7 inch Open Reel Audiotape
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Synopsis :1) Mr Hon Sui Sen At Opening of International Tax Conference held at the Shangri-la Hotel on 28 January 1974.
In his speech Mr Hon talks about the necessity of restructuring the international tax system so as to promote a freer flow of international capital, trade and industrial investments from developed countries to the less developed countries.
2) Opening of Parliament by President Benjamin Sheares 0n 12 October 1972.
President Sheares touches on:
- Singapore's grim economic situation in 1968.
- The continuing and controlled ''boom'' in 1972.
- The challenge ahead to maintain and continue the rapid rate of economic growth.
- Confidence that Singapore can become centre of excellence in all fields for economic and cultural life.
- The two important pre-conditions for Singapore to fulfil.
- Experiences of other countries having ''From Cradle To Grave'' approach.
- The wrong beliefs of some trade union leaders.
- Why Singapore should not be caught in consumer society before it becomes developed.
- Constitutional and security matters.
- The safeguards necessary and the constitutional amendments required.
3) Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew At the Opening of Singapore Maritime Command At Naval Base, Pulau Brani on 26 January 1974.
PM Lee touches on:
- The ideal location of Naval Base and the excellent facilities for stationing and training of personnel in maritime command.
- The setting up of Mid-Shipment School.
- An assurance that the interest of regular officers in the Maritime Command will advance in step with the Army and the Air Force.
- The future prospects of Maritime Command Officers.
4) President Benjamin Sheares at Singapore Red Cross Charity Fashion Show Dinner held at the Shangri-la Hotel on 6 October 1973.
He touches on:
- The principles that guide the Red Cross Movement and its appeal.
- Singapore, the 119th member of Red Cross.
- The task ahead to see Red Cross movement grow.