Tan Suan Poh @ Chang He 陈川波@长河
Literary Scene in Singapore (Chinese),
Accession Number 003453
- Oral History Centre
- 7
Total Reels
- Lye Soo Choon 赖素春
- 05:54:46
Total Running Time
- Mandarin
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Reel/Disc 2 of 7
- 7 Mar 2012
Recording Date
- 00:55:43
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Unable to find a job after he graduated from Nanyang University (NU). Gave tuition for three years and also involved in publishing work. Started working in Tah Chung Emporium Pte Ltd (大众百货有限公司) at Margaret Street in 1967 as Assistant to General Manager. Spoke about his work, goods they sold. Joined Pacific International Lines Ltd (PIL太平洋船务) in 1968. Worked in cargo department. How he joined Sin Chew Jit Poh 《星洲日报》 in 1969-1972. His work as editor, how he selected articles to be published in newspaper supplements. Spoke about content of the articles contributed to newspaper in early 1970s. Recollection of a meeting called by Jek Yeun Thong (易润堂). Active writers in early 1970s. Went back to work in PIL under cargo claim unit. Spoke about the fleet of PIL and its good relationship with China. His job scope. Left PIL in 1981 to join economic research unit in Bank of China (BOC). His job scope.
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Reel/Disc 3 of 7
- 7 Mar 2012
Recording Date
- 00:48:57
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
His work in economic research unit in Bank of China (BOC) and later promoted to Head of Administrative Office and Assistant to General Manager. The economy progress in Singapore from 1982-1988. Talk about the General Manager from China, his relationship with local staff. Spoke about BOC staff’s newsletter. BOC met great challenge in 1997 during economy crisis. How the Bank overcame the great lost. Entertaining clients was part of his job. Recall BOC receiving officials, sportsmen from China before Singapore and China established diplomatic relations. Elaborate with examples on activities that BOC organized besides its banking services. Bank run in 1989 due to Tiananmen Square protests, how BOC overcome it. Great pressures in 1997 when Singapore was hit by economy crisis. Measures that BOC took to overcome it. Interviewee retired in 2003. Recall his career in BOC. How he started to write. Got to know writer Liu Si刘思 and Fang Xiu 方修 in early 1960s. Talk about Liu Si. Things he learnt from Liu Si.
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Reel/Disc 4 of 7
- 21 Mar 2012
Recording Date
- 00:57:01
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
How he got to know writer Fang Xiu 方修. Spoke about Fang Xiu and things they would chat about. Magazines Jian She《建设》and Yi Shu Tian Di 《艺术天地》that interviewee published. Fang Xiu supported those magazines by contributing many articles. Content of the articles. Singapore Chinese writers were in low morale in 1990s. Regular gatherings with Fang Xiu. How Tropical Literature & Art Club 热带文学艺术俱乐部 was formed in 1997. The founders and its objectives. Activities of the Club. How the activities were funded. Talk about Fang Xiu Literature Award 方修文学奖, how it was set up and its judging system. Regular meeting of the Club. How interviewee started writing in 1960s. His writings.
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Reel/Disc 5 of 7
- 21 Mar 2012
Recording Date
- 00:54:24
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Spoke about his pen-names: Chang He 长河, Hainan Ke海南客, Xia Mu Qing夏木青, Yi Ming易明, Shan He山河 and Tang Li唐力. Why he used several pen-names. Talk about poems and reviews he wrote. His first book. Why Tian Qiao Wen Hua (publisher 天桥文化) was set up. Books that he published. How he felt about publishing his works in books. Spoke about Nantah (南大 Nanyang University) Chinese Society. His duties as one of the committee members of the Society. Publication of the Society – Da Xue Qing Nian《大学青年》. Spoke about magazine -- Jian She《建设》, its contributors and content. Spoke about magazine Yi Shu Tian Di 《艺术天地》 that he started in 1992. How the magazine was funded and its content. Why he insisted to have literature reviews in his magazine.
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Reel/Disc 6 of 7
- 28 Mar 2012
Recording Date
- 00:43:51
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Spoke about Re Dai Xue Bao《热带学报》, started as a literature reviews journal. Why he started such publication. The founding editors. Content of the journal could be from seminars and sharing sessions organized Tropical Literature & Art Club 热带文学艺术俱乐. Also published books reviews and literature critics. Changed in content since issue number 16, hope to have more readers. How to decide on the topics for seminars to be organized. Recollection of some unhappiness resulted from a seminar. Participants of the seminars, not many new citizens. Issues on bringing in new and younger members. Felt no one took over Fang Xiu 方修to research on development of Singapore Chinese literature. How he wrote poem Juan Qu《捐躯》in 1961 and Wu Ming He, Heng Ai Ge 《无名河,哼哀歌》in 1962. His favorite poem. Spoke about the way he wrote, felt that writings should always be amended for improvement. Only novel he wrote in 1960 – Ye Lin Zhi Ge 《椰林之歌》.
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