LIM Kok Peng @ Fang Ran 林国平@方然
Literary Scene in Singapore (Chinese),
Accession Number 002941
- Oral History Centre
- 18
Total Reels
- Lye Soo Choon 赖素春
- 16:18:50
Total Running Time
- Mandarin
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Reel/Disc 1 of 18
- 16 May 2005
Recording Date
- 00:55:11
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Born in 1943 stayed at Wan Ji Shan (Bukit Monyet). Location of Wan Ji Shan. How his grandfather settled there. He was mischievous when he was young. His mother was a child bride. Said ferry was needed to cross Singapore River. Being the eldest boy in the village, he was asked to 'Fan Po' (Chinese custom, to roll on new bed of newly wed couple). Studied in Yu Min Primary School. Chose Chung Cheng (Branch) High School as it was near his house. Study environment in Chung Cheng. Very mischievous in secondary school till he was beaten up by classmate. Mixed with students who were considered more 'progressive'. His definition of 'progressive'. Activities they were involved in. Senior high studied in Chung Cheng (Main), joined Science Society and learned how to install radio. Joined choir.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 2 of 18
- 16 May 2005
Recording Date
- 00:54:19
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
*Joined choir and Art Society in Chung Cheng High School (Main). Felt that students formerly from Chung Cheng (Branch) were bullied by those from Chung Cheng (Main). Students from Chinese schools went on strike for changing of 3-3 (three years of junior middle, three years of senior middle) to 4-2 system. Interviewee was a supporter.
How he started writing. First article published in supplement of Jing Ji Shi Bao. Fire burnt down his home in 1963. Rumours about the fire. Moved to Tiong Bahru. Fire destroyed his hope of further study in Nanyang University. Responsibilities that eldest son had to shoulder.
Started to work as mechanic apprentice and then as burner assistant in brickyard. Moral teaching in Chinese education. Anti-yellow culture in 1950s. Learned from writers he liked, but his writing style was different from them. Started writing because he had things to express. His novel 'Hei Ma' was published in magazine 'Xiang Tu', edited by Fang Xiu. Content of his novel was from his working experiences.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 3 of 18
- 24 May 2005
Recording Date
- 00:56:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
*Talked about literary magazine 'Xiang Tu' edited by Fang Xi. Works published there were realism in content. Its contributors. Started with writing prose and poem. Contributed works to 'Zheng Xian Bao'. How he published his first book 'Yan Xia Cao' in 1982. He was able to continue to write because he had habit of writing diary. Income from writing could not support living. Forms of writing would be decided by content. Did not receive writing training. Content of his book 'Yan Xia Cao'. All poems. Talked about the poems he wrote in 1980s - 1990s. Change in content of his poems. Different writing styles in his poems. Why he preferred to write poem than other literary forms. His works were published in many countries. Literary supplement of Shin Min Daily News published a series of mini novels in late 1980s. Why his works were published in many countries. Talked about the content of his book 'Da Du Hui Xiao Cha Qu'.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 4 of 18
- 24 May 2005
Recording Date
- 00:58:20
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Continued to talk about the content of his book 'Da Du Hui Xiao Cha Qu'. How he got his inspiration in writing those works. His book 'Fang Ran Shi Wen Ji' consisted of poem and literary reviews essays. Problems occurred in process of publishing. Many mistakes and poor printing quality that made him decided to reprint the poems by adding some new works into 'Na Ruo Ye Bao Guo Zhe De'. Prizes that the new book won. The book was divided into six segments, each covered different types of contents. Segment six was 'Gu Ti Shi' (classical-style poetry). Interviewee liked Mao Zhe Dong's 'Gu Ti Shi, influenced by him and thus his poems were full of vigour. His proses written in 1980s-1990s were published into 'Tian Bu Zai Lan'. Talked about his teacher Liu Si who was a poet. Content of the book.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 6 of 18
- 30 May 2005
Recording Date
- 00:56:49
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
'Xishan Wen Yi Zhong Xin' (Chinese Literary Centre under Bukit Timah Community Centre) was formed from non official gathering at Yong Kang Coffee Shop. Interviewee attended such gathering because of Equatorial Wind, a literary magazine. Why the non-official regular gathering of eight literators discussion mainly was on mini-novel. How 'Wei Xing Xiao Shuo Ji Kan' (mini-novel magazine published quarterly) was published by Singapore Association of Writers. His collection of mini-novel in 'Ya Sheng Xiong Ying' was written in 1986-2004. His definition of mini-novel. Talked about 'Wu Bian Xian Shi Zhu Yi' (boundless realism).
His new book was a collection of critiques. How he wrote critique. His unpleasant experience in writing critique. Why few people in Singapore wrote critique. How he got his pen-name Fang Ran. Recalled he was being mistaken to be another writer in China. His pen-names.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 9 of 18
- 20 Jun 2005
Recording Date
- 00:56:50
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Talked about the first eight issues of literary periodical Equatorial Wind. The periodical was first started to accommodate all types of literary works. Characteristic of other literary magazines. Equatorial Wind wanted critical essay to be less academic in order to differentiate themselves from other literary magazines. Included some lighthearted articles.
Interviewee took over Equatorial Wind from the 9th issue. Changes he made. Reached out to schools by having interviewing sessions with them. Held activities with schools. Special column for students' works in Equatorial Wind increased its sales in school. How he worked with schools to increase sales. Youth column in Equatorial Wind. Young writers who wrote for Equatorial Wind for long time.
Changes in designs and layout over the years.
Changes in the group of writers since interviewee took over the periodical.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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Reel/Disc 10 of 18
- 20 Jun 2005
Recording Date
- 00:57:02
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Young writers who contributed their works to literary periodical Equatorial Wind. Recalled literary competition held by the periodical. Most contributions were poems.
How interviewee arranged the content of Equatorial Wind. Had abundant articles in hand, enough for ten issues. How he arranged the feature for special issues of Equatorial Wind. Reasons for him to always reserve 20 pages for young writers' works. Had more than 100 regular subscribers including those overseas.
Printing quantity. Cost of printing. Sales price increased over the years. Discount price for schools. Average sale per issue was 600 copies. Kept copies for literary intercourse with overseas literary organizations. Other income besides sales. Equatorial Wind Publisher provided publication services. Books that were published by the Publisher. Recalled applying ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for China writers as the application in Singapore was easy and free of charge. Based on mutual trust, he believed that the content of the book published by China writer would not get him into trouble.
Husband of Mdm Ng Meng Cheng @ Qian Hua (Accn: 2955)
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