LIM Kwang Hee 林广喜
Chinese Dialect Groups,
Accession Number 000703
- Oral History Centre
- 6
Total Reels
- Tan Beng Luan
- 02:41:00
Total Running Time
- Teochew
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Reel/Disc 1 of 6
- 16 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:30:44
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Personal background; Teochew from Theng Hai. Education and family financial situation. Number of clansmen migrating to Nanyang. Reason for migration. Journey. Arrival in Singapore and stayed in North Boat Quay (Cha Chu Tau) with clansmen. Worked as lighterman near Read Bridge. Employed by clansmen. Nature of his work.
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Reel/Disc 2 of 6
- 16 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:31:03
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Work clothes worn pre-war. Further elaboration about nature of work as a lighterman. Shared profits with employer. Normal day income. He felt cheated by employer.
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Reel/Disc 3 of 6
- 29 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:30:42
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Employer and employee relationship. Biggest Teochew lighter owner on Singapore River. Surnames divisions along river. Sampans trade dominated by Kityang Teochews. Teochews outnumbered Hokkiens in Singapore River transportation pre-war.
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Reel/Disc 4 of 6
- 29 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:30:38
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Change of dialectal patterns along Singapore River post-war. Teochews also worked for Hokkien lighter owners. Before forming Singapore Lightermen's Union, much conflicts among lightermen. Reasons for fights on river. Lighter owners showed little concern. Union's contribution to settling disputes. Purpose of forming Sai Ho coolie quarters near Read Bridge; its members. Contribution to Sai Ho. Teng Chuan Tan coolie quarters mainly belonged to Kityang sampanmen. Causes of conflicts between lightermen and sampanmen. Many fish dealers and vegetable dealers along river. Summonses issued by marine police.
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Reel/Disc 5 of 6
- 29 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:30:43
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Disputes over who should pay for the fine. No marking for differentiating the jetty. Reasons for not involving in secret societies activities in neighbourhood. Reason for joining Singapore Lightermen's Union pre-war. Lighter owners' attitudes towards formation of union. Went into partnership in lighters transportation. Gave rice to his workers. Retired in 1960s. Family came in 1937 and lived at Clarke Street. Recreation.
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Reel/Disc 6 of 6
- 29 Sep 1986
Recording Date
- 00:07:10
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Children's education. Reasons for not joining clan association. Sea transport was not an occupation in his village. Seamen and religion. In his village there were fishermen.
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