CHIA Boon Leong (Dr)
Japanese Occupation of Singapore,
Accession Number 000390
- Oral History Centre
- 3
Total Reels
- Low Lay Leng
- 01:02:47
Total Running Time
- English
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Reel/Disc 1 of 3
- 20 Jan 1984
Recording Date
- 00:28:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Personal background. His education. Started his clinic in 1920s. How he got involved in Medical Auxiliary Service (MAS) before war. Work he did for MAS. Kind of people who were with MAS then. He was in charge of Tanjong Pagar and Kampong Bahru area. Equipment MAS members were given during training.Tanjong Pagar worst hit by first bombing raid in Singapore.
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Reel/Disc 2 of 3
- 20 Jan 1984
Recording Date
- 00:29:15
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
What he saw on his way home after British surrender; his reaction. Went toTiong Bahru for mass screening. How he was almost taken away by mistake. Stocked up tin food before the war. How he earned a living during Japanese Occupation. Function to celebrate Emperor's birthday.
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Reel/Disc 3 of 3
- 20 Jan 1984
Recording Date
- 00:04:44
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Common illnesses during Japanese Occupation. How he knew of Japanese surrender. Chinese held victory parades after Japanese surrender. Medicine he had stocked up.
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