NG Seng Yong
Japanese Occupation of Singapore,
Accession Number 000283
- Oral History Centre
- 11
Total Reels
- Low Lay Leng
- 04:54:35
Total Running Time
- English
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Reel/Disc 1 of 11
- 24 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:36
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
His education and working life. Fall of Singapore. His experience in mass screening. Living conditions during Japanese Occupation. How he managed to live. Japanese legalised opium selling and gambling. Entertainment for people - dancing in cabarets. Absence of luxury items like liquor and cigarettes. Nature of his work in Chop Hup Guan before the war. Kind of goods supplied to Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
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Reel/Disc 2 of 11
- 24 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
How his company supplied goods to Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Anti-Japanese activities before the war - smearing companies' sign boards and cutting of fthe ears of those who had Japanese business connections. Effect on business. Civil defence preparation. His involvement with Air-raid Precaution (ARP); reasons for joining. His opinion of British soldiers in comparison with Japanese soldiers. ARP uniform and badge.
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Reel/Disc 3 of 11
- 24 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:42
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Duties of Air-raid Precaution (ARP) member. Training for a year before war broke out. Air-raid exercises. People disappointed with British defence. His experience on night of first bombing raid. Frequency of Japanese bombing raids. Number of men in each ARP post. Straits Settlements Volunteer Forces. Japanese labour conscription scheme. Disappointed when told to disband just before British surrender.
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Reel/Disc 4 of 11
- 20 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:41
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
How he disposed of his uniform. Not enough of air-raid shelters. Advised to evacuate from densely populated area. How he knew of British surrender; his reaction. Started hawkering business with goods bought on credit from previous company. Witnessed British soldiers marching. Morale of soldiers. How to obtain travel pass. How ration cards were issued. How two-star and three-star men were appointed.
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Reel/Disc 5 of 11
- 1 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:33
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Mass screening centre in Telok Kurau English School. How Japanese selected people supposedly to be anti-Japanese. How people were herded into school. Only males were screened; womenfolk and children waited outside. Description of school and its surroundings. His impression of Japanese soldiers. Discipline and condition in centre. Their feelings towards Japanese. How he escaped from centre.
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Reel/Disc 6 of 11
- 1 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:54
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Continuation of his escape. All in family except two nephews returned to sister's shop after mass screening. His opinion of Japanese attitude towards Chinese and other communities in Singapore. Co-operation with Japanese through Overseas Chinese Association. Reaction of Chinese people towards donation of money to Japanese. How ration cards were issued. Japanese organised civil defence; only males recruited.
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Reel/Disc 7 of 11
- 1 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Duties of civil defence corp. Exercises conducted regularly. Celebration of Japanese Emperor's birthday and Premier's visit to Syonan-to. Japanese daily newspaper, Syonan Shimbun. His experience as street hawker. Later worked for his friend as overseer of his contracting jobs. Reasons for switching jobs. His friend's contracting jobs. His working conditions as overseer, salary and relationship with workers.
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Reel/Disc 8 of 11
- 1 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Relationship with Japanese. Occasional reward of extra rice ration. Left his job when his friend was taken by Kempeitai for questioning. Started brokerage business and at night got job as pawnbroker in gambling den in New World Amusement Park. Patrons mostly Chinese; women about 25%. Items usually pawned. What he did with pawned goods. His brokerage business. His living conditions at that time. Why he thought of going to Bahau. What he knew of Bahau.
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Reel/Disc 9 of 11
- 8 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:47
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Joined friend to import boiled rice from Songkhla. Firstly obtained release of engine, then built boat. How he knew source for import of rice. Terms of recruitment of crew. Whole operation financed by friend. He did all paperwork. Started barter trade - exchanging rubber oil for boiled rice. How rubber oil and rice were obtained. No difficulty in selling rice on arrival in Singapore.
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Reel/Disc 10 of 11
- 8 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Indications that Japanese were losing war. Allied planes bombing Singapore. Noticed differences in Japanese attitude during this period. How he learnt of Japanese surrender. People's reaction to news. Conditions in Singapore before British landed. Soaring prices of goods. Funeral of Lim Bo Seng. Japanese currency declared invalid. How he prepared for this event.
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