TAY Yen Hoon 郑延勋
Japanese Occupation of Singapore,
Accession Number 000281
- Oral History Centre
- 17
Total Reels
- Tan Beng Luan
- 07:32:16
Total Running Time
- Hokkien
Copyright Notice
All rights to the recordings and transcripts on this website, including the rights to copy, publish, broadcast and perform, are reserved. Written permission is required for any use. If you have any queries, please contact nas@nlb.gov.sg
Reel/Disc 1 of 17
- 17 Jun 1984
Recording Date
- 00:27:51
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Personal background. Came to join father in Singapore. Unpleasant work experience. Why he hated Japanese. His participation in Chinese National Liberation Vanguard Corps (CNLVC). Staging of anti-Japanese plays to villagers. His duties when plays were performed. Action against merchants who broke boycott of Japanese goods. Colonial authorities unofficially gave support to Corps. Account of his arrest and release.
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Reel/Disc 2 of 17
- 17 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:45
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Merchants who broke boycott made contributions to China Relief Fund. Volunteer drivers to China received training in Singapore. Transport for fund-raising operations. Ear-cutting incident. Set-up of Chinese National Liberation Vanguard Corps (CNLVC). Occasion when Anti-Enemy Backing-Up Society's help was sought. British authorities unofficially allowed boycott of Japanese goods. How he discouraged people from buying Japanese goods. Effect of boycott.
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Reel/Disc 3 of 17
- 17 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:45
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Why merchants who were punished did not retaliate. Comparing China Relief Fund Vanguard Corps (CNLVC) and Anti-Enemy Backing-Up Society operations. Event leading to See Hong Peng's mishap. How he was able to participate in anti-Japanese activities. Assisted in sending volunteer drivers and mechanics to China. His responsibility to check background of volunteers. Volunteers' parents' reaction. Volunteers' applications to be signed by guarantors. Confirming volunteer's particulars with guarantor.
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Reel/Disc 4 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:48
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Offered to test volunteers on driving skills. Procedure of testing volunteers. Why mechanics were trained by transport company. Volunteers quartered in Thong Chai Medical Institution before their departure to China. Preparations made for volunteers. What he learnt about conditions of volunteers in China. China Relief Fund sent representatives to China to observe volunteers conditions.
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Reel/Disc 5 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:44
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Treatment of volunteers in China. Wuhan Choir staged plays to raise funds. Reason for Lau Boh Tan's inspection tour to China. His responsibility to check capability of volunteer motor-mechanics. Supplied information to special agents for action against shopkeepers selling Japanese goods. Duties of picket team during performance of anti-Japanese plays. In charge of stage lightings during performances.
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Reel/Disc 6 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:47
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
How picket team performed their duties. British government's attitude towards anti-Japanese movements. Responsible for transport and lighting arrangements for performance of plays. China Street shopkeepers' enthusiastic support for Chinese National Liberation Vanguard Corps (CNLVC) operations. Borrowed lighting equipment from school's Old Boys' Association for staging plays. Plays were staged in name of Chinese National Liberation Vanguard Corps. In charge of lighting arrangements for performance.
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Reel/Disc 7 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:50
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Fund-raising teams made paper flowers for sale. Donations counted in Ee Hoe Hean Club. Mobilising other organisations in fund-raising operations. Female labourers and rickshaw pullers also participated in selling flowers. His assistance in Wuhan Choir's performances. His responsibility in helping to send volunteer mechanics to China. Girl students good at selling tickets for fund-raising cause. Effect of roadside plays on audience.
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Reel/Disc 8 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:45
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Roadside plays showing Japanese brutalities. Picketing at speech rallies conducted by China Relief Fund leaders. How Chinese Industrial and Commercial Continuation School was established. Fund-raising activities of Old Boys Association. His duties at backstage during performance of anti-Japanese plays. How he came to join St John's Ambulance Brigade. Training received. His first experience of air-raid by Japanese.
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Reel/Disc 9 of 17
- 28 Jun 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:45
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
Rescue operations after air-raid. Reasons for desiring transfer to new posting. Cause of his brother's death. Futile attempts to recover brother's corpse. Australian soldier too frightened to help injured. Even inexperienced drivers called to drive ambulances. How he helped the injured. First inkling of British surrender. Mass screening in Arab Street area.
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Reel/Disc 10 of 17
- 19 Jul 1983
Recording Date
- 00:27:42
Running Time
- MP3
- Open Access
Conditions Governing Access
British discrimination against Asians. Why British declined China's offer to defend Malaya. Underwent mass screening. What he heard about those taken away at mass screening. Used assumed names under certain circumstances. Purpose of Japanese military police officer's visit to his house. Revealed names of people previously involved in anti-Japanese activities. Pretence as chronically-ill person curbed Japanese officer's regular visits.
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