Map covers the northern part of Selangor and parts of Perak and Pahang showing land use, state boundaries, districts, district boundaries, town boundary, coastline fronting Straits of Malacca, district headquarters, mukim headquarters, villages, railways, roads, tracks, footpaths, rivers, streams, trigonometrical stations, agricultural lands, mining lands, forest reserves, Malay reserves, other reserves, Sungei Bernam, Selangor River, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Selangor, Kuala Kubu and others
20050000697 - AccNo921_1
F.M.S. Registration No. 10-19,30
Image shown is the top part of the map which is in two parts, namely Acc. Nos. SP002063_1 and SP002063_2
Published by Central Survey Office, Kuala Lumpur, Surveyor-General's Office, Federated Malay States (F.M.S.).
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction only with permission.
Old accession number: 921_1 Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore