Map covers Sarawak showing coastline and beaches fronting (South) China Sea, Brunei Bay, Labuan (Island), international boundaries with Brunei, North Borneo and West Borneo, division boundaries of First to Fifth Divisions, district boundaries, roads, footpaths, divisional headquarters, district headquarters, towns, rivers, swamps, lighthouses, airfields, 10-fathom contour, spot heights, rivers with names, Brunei (Town), Miri, Sibu, Simanggang, Kuching, Limbang and others. An inset showing the region around Sarawak covering Borneo Island, parts of Burma, Thailand and Indo-China, Malaya, Philippine Islands, New Guinea, Sumatra, Java, Celebes and other Indonesian islands, Singapore, Rangoon, Bangkok, Saigon, Hue, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Batavia, Medan and other large towns.
20050000696 - AccNo874
Regn No. 177_1949. Sarawak Series No. 7, First Edition
Compiled and Drawn by Land and Survey Dept., Sarawak
Reproduced by The Survey Dept., Federation of Malaya
Government Copyright is reserved
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Old accession number: 874
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore