Hydrographic Chart
China Sea. Singapore Strait
China Sea-Singapore Strait Compiled by Staff Commander J W Reed, Nav.Lieut.T H Tizard and V.H.Lys R.N. assisted by the officers of H.M.S. Rifleman 1865-1869 with additions from the latest British and Dutch authorities
Chart shows data on depths of water, clarity of water, mud and sand banks, anchorages, Pedra Branca, Horsburgh Lighthouse, Middle Rocks, South Ledge, Romania Shoals, Johore Shoal, Sultan Shoal, islands in and around Malacca Strait, Durian Strait, Glam Strait, Muro Strait, Main Strait, Philip Channel, Rhio Strait, Middle Channel, South Channel, and others,
20140000043 - 0042_HC000786
Z M Charts G 465.13/16 (1869)
Similar map as HC000401 but in different condition
Published at the Admiralty under the superintendence of Capt G.H. Richards R.N. F.R.S. Hydrographer
Engraved by Davies, Breyer & Co.
Sold by J.D. Potter, Agent for the sale of Admiralty Charts
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