Charts For Small Craft. Singapore Strait And Adjacent Waterways, 2009/2010 - serves as notice to mariners, showing data on depths of water, clarity of water, reclamation works in progress, reclaimed land, dredging works, Kolek Rocks, Tengeh Reservoir, Tuas Checkpoint Complex, Raffles Marina, Tuas Jetty, Tuas Bay, Tanjung Gul, West Jurong Channel, Gul Basin, Tanjung Pelepas Port Limit, Johor Bahru Port Limit, Singapore Port Limit, Johor Strait, and others
20140000045 - 0020_HC000374
Chart Number 6 of a collection of 19 charts from (HC000369 to HC000387).
Published by Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
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