Mukim Number XVII: Toa Payoh and Town Subdivision Number XXIX
Map shows land division, Lot Number 136, title boundaries and numbers, boundary stones, State reserve, State land, reserves for roads, service roads, gap between titles, backlanes, private housing estates, shophouses, Polce Academy, Polo Ground, Police Station, Lee Kuo Chuan School, Sungei Whompoe, Whitley Road, Bo Seng Avenue, Dyson Road, Tan Sim Boh Road, Mount Pleasant Road, Thomson Road, Balestier Road, Jalan Raja Udang, Jalan Datoh, Jalan Toa Payoh, and others
20080000026 - AccNo2545
Survey Department, Singapore. Government Copyright Reserved.
Viewing permitted. Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner.
Seek permission from SLA for use and reproduction. Old accession number: 2545
Credit line: Singapore Land Authority collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore